Yes, No, Maybe So: "The Avengers"
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 10:32PM
NATHANIEL R in Captain America, Chris Evans, Hulk, Joss Whedon, Robert Downey Jr., ScarJo, The Avengers, Tom Hiddleston, Yes No Maybe So, superheroes

It's finally here, he says robotically. Nearly every day is Avengers day online with paparazzi shots, interviews, stills, clips, posters, and whatnot, so the trailer just means that this is a Tuesday. But we must mark the occasion. It's how we do. And if "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" are going to assemble, we'll be there for roll call.

There can be only one... CHRIS.

The movie pits the collected superheroes against Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who holds the cosmic cube that The Red Skull lost (I think? Someone get me a "previously on" clip reel) because we have to braid the individual stories of the most recent Marvel movies (Thor and Captain America) back together with the two Iron Man movies where Nick Fury (who didn't get his own movie) was collecting heroes. They're even yanking The Incredible Hulk back in to the mix though surely nobody remembers dangly story threads from ye olden times of 2008. The only thing I remember from that movie was that Edward Norton lived in the jungle and then they poisoned the air so he turned green and lept through a glass walkway until he landed on a grassy field where he fought tanks until it was rainy and time to snuggle with Liv Tyler who was married to Phil Dunphy??? And somewhere in there was Tim Roth playing with chemicals and his own body? I can't remember. I'm guessing it won't be important because they save Mark Ruffalo (Hulk #3) for that mandatory "surprise the trailer isn't over!" joke tag at the end.

YES NO MAYBE SO breakdown and the actual trailer after the jump.



Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away what are you?
Tony Stark: Uh... genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.
Thor: [Chuckling]" 


she flips her hair back and forth, she flips her hair back and forth  


Will you be there when these Avengers assemble?

 If so why? My take away goes like so from these tiny glimpses. Iron Man: NO; Hawkeye: YES; Captain America: YES; Thor: MAYBE SO; Loki: YES; Hulk: NO; Iron Man: NO, Black Widow: NO; Nick Stark: MAYBE SO. 


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