Oscar Live Blog. Hour #2
Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 9:45PM
NATHANIEL R in Live Blog, Oscars (10)


9:39 HUGH JACKMAN + NICOLE KIDMAN. We've gone to "Far Away Downs" again in Australia. It's a music in the movies tribute. I guess this means Score is coming up.

9:43 ORIGINAL SCORE = THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Ohmygod. What a nice surprise. Though this means that Alexander Desplat joins Roger Deakins in the Great Hall of Giants Without An Oscar. The company is excellent in the room so I'm sure it's all good.


So what do we have now? Inception: 3, Social Network & Fighter: 2, Toy Story 3, Alice, & The King's Speech: 1? 

9:57 Cate Blanchett presents MAKEUP to The Wolfman. Says "that's gross" about the clip. HA! This is silly though. Rick Baker already won for one werewolf movie. Did he need two for those effects? Also London features naked David Naughton and The Wolfman features clothed Benicio so. it's simple math: American Werewolf > Wolfman. The End.

10:02 COSTUME DESIGN = EYESORE IN WONDERLAND. The Academy proves my theory yet again: Collen Atwood and Sandy Powell, their two favorite designers only win when they're nominated against each other. And they're still tied. Also: They drowned Atwood out with the music which is fine because she was READING HER SPEECH. Anathema to awards show drama. In my opinion, if you read your speech a trapdoor should open up and swallow you whole.



10:05 Randy Newman performed the latest song he wrote in 4 minutes for 4 minutes (symmetry!). And now Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi are performing. Though I know it would have been Theme Parky, I woulda loved to see them in character garb. They coulda headed over to DisneyLand for a late shift right after the performance. 

10:07 So... "I SEE THE LIGHT." Just not the same without the lanterns.

10:11 Jake Gyllenhaal & Amy Adams. Both looking spiffy. BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT = STRANGERS NO MORE. well, i didn't get every prediction wrong. ;)  

10:19 I somehow disappeared. MidCeremony Lull? Hathaway's silver gown shimmy was like a couture alarm clock. 

Wow. My worst prediction year ever. Yay me. Oh, something I meant to say about two of our recent presenters. EXAMPLE A: Some actresses are recognized in the now. EXAMPLE B: Others actresses have to wait it out.

Yes I know that Marisa Tomei has an Oscar. But many people thought it was a fluke and she is an exceptional actor. Go Marisa. Here's to her unexpected (to most) longevity.

10:30 BOB HOPE TRIBUTE. It's been going on for awhile. Oh but now SHERLOCK and DR WATSON. They present the award to VISUAL EFFECTS = INCEPTION. of course. But more importantly... Jude Law & Robert Downey Jr. doing their chemistry banter. prepping us for Bromance #2 in Sherlock Holmes Sequel

10:36 EDITING = THE SOCIAL NETWORK. You know what's weird? I've interviewed other Oscar winners / nominees in the past and nominees but for some reason, talking to these two was really cool. I mean I authentically respect what they did for that movie and what editors in general have to do. Even if I didn't think it deserved Best Picture, I would have given it Best Editing.

Quickest turnaround between effort and award ever. And he's complaining #TheNerveOfSomePeople


and now...  HOUR 3 the finale! 


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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