The Drama, Tragicomedy and Mystery of This Year's Oscars.
Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 11:20AM
NATHANIEL R in Oscars (10), The King's Speech, The Social Network

Over at Tribeca Film in my weekly Oscar column I'm examining where we are now Post-SAG with ballots out and just two precursors left (BAFTA & The Spirit Awards) which aren't really precursors in the classical sense (they don't deal with the same pool of films, exactly). My personal feeling is that this year's season is headed toward tragicomedy in its final lap as The King's Speech takes off its underdog disguise.

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Are you laughing, crying, or scratching your head over the recent awards season developments?

P.S. for a lighter take on this post SAG climatemy friend Katey has an amusing rundown of "likelihood to win"

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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