Bachelorette Hits It Big on iTunes
Friday, August 17, 2012 at 1:31PM
Beau McCoy in Bachelorette, box office, release dates

Beau here again to congratulate writer/director Leslye Headland and crew... again. We'll know who wins this weekend's box office wars soon enough but Bachelorette which is still two weeks away from theaters has already struck gold. It recently became the first pre-theatrical release to hit number one on the iTunes Rental Store. It's fallen to #6 as of this writing but this is a remarkable achievement, not least of which is the fact that the rental price is a costly $10 (but, compared to a night out or a ticket price? hardly). Honestly, it couldn’t have happened to a better film.

Since my review of the film, I’ve watched the film again (twice!) and while some inconsistencies and editing snafus have arisen, I stand by my initial opinion that it is the best film to have been released in 2012 thus far. Its willingness to challenge is the key.

A film that tackles drug addiction, suicide attempts, abortion and vanity with such flagrant disregard for conventional standards is enough to make me stand up and cheer. And it doesn’t just skirt by these issues, like a tourist bus on safari pointing out the animals and then speeding away quickly. Bachelorette stops the bus, drags you off, and puts you in such close contact with these animals that your initial reservations about likeability (what a stupid fucking concept) dissolve, and you’re left with a surprisingly incisive look at a small niche that resembles a greater whole. Even my dad last night remarked, ‘I know all three of these women.’ 

For a 58-year-old dude in rural California to say that? Struck a chord. So congrats to Leslye and company. I can’t wait to see your success continue!

Have you ever paid for a rental of an unreleased film? Do you think these alternate distribution methods are the future?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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