Christian's A Nympho
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 2:15PM
JA in Christian Slater, Lars Von Trier, Nymphomaniac
JA from MNPP here. When you think of Christian Slater, what's the first thing you think of? This question assumes you're old enough to know who the hell Christian Slater is and maybe recall when he was known for things, of course. 
I assume most people think of his "Jack Nicholson by way of James Dean" riffing in Heathers. Or maybe you're really cool and Gleaming the Cube or Pump Up the Volume hit you like a mack truck. Me, I've got brain issues - I immediately think of The Legend of Billie Jean (but then that's a film that's always near the surface of my brain, any time, anywhere).
Anyway if Lars Von Trier has his way in a post-Nymphomaniac world you're going to think of Christian Slater in a different way - he's just cast the actor to play Charlotte Gainsbourg's father in that promises-to-be-controversial next flick of his, which will document, according to Lars, the entire sexual life of a woman, from her childhood to old age. Since I have seen a Lars Von Trier movie before, I know to be worried.
Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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