Monty, my beloved gray furball, is the web's original cat Oscar pundit. So once again we beg his feline proclamations. They are usually mysterious and non-committal but there are also the unambiguous dismissals, 100% prescient predictions and dumb blunders... just like any pundit might make.
The first screeners of the season arrived last night: indie hit Mud and Sarah Polley's documentary hopeful Stories We Tell. I presented them to him. Which would Monty favor?
Oh oh... looks like he's going for Stories We Tell??? It would make Katey so hap...
False Alarm.
He leaps away a split second later, refusing to engage. (I wish I'd snapped quick enough to get him in motion.)
Will AMPAS voters spend more time with these screeners than Monty or merely leave them to collect dust near the TV while other screeners arrive to build a jenga-like tower of FYC impossibilities??? What's your best guess? There are only so many movies you can watch in a season.