Starring Angelina Jolie as... Michelle Pfeiffer?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 3:59PM
Glenn Dunks in Angelina Jolie, Maleficent, Michelle Pfeiffer, movie posters

Glenn here. Tell me I am not the only one who looked at this poster for Maleficent featuring Angelina Jolie clad entirely in deep, dark black and saw, rather, Michelle Pfeiffer. Every time I glance at the poster I see Pfeiffer, not Jolie. Is my mind playing tricks on me since, duh, I want Michelle Pfeiffer in everything? Or have they deliberately made Jolie look like her? Or am I just insane?

No matter who it stars, I'm excited to see Maleficent in cinemas in 2014. Are you? Nothing about Jolie's uber-diva pose on this poster is making me question the quality. If anything, it's giving the film a reputation within me that it can't possibly reach. In other words: I'm loving the poster. If nothing else at least Angie will look fabulous, and maybe Anne B. Sheppard will get a third Oscar nomination she (surprisingly?) didn't get for Inglourious Basterds. We're keeping an eye out!

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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