Curio: Posterized in Watercolor 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 1:26PM
Alexa in Curio, movie posters

Alexa here. I can't think of two mediums more diametrically opposed than watercolor and film, with watercolor so slapdash and immune to editing.  Maybe that's why I've been seeking out film posters made by watercolor artists, something about the fusion of the unexpected. That, or I just like the handmade touch.

For instance, here's Alfie, rendered free-as-a-bird in watercolor by Javier Camara.

More after the jump, including some Katniss, Spring Breakers and Nicolas Winding Refn...

Drive by Jacob Sana-Cruz.

Desert Flower by Cate Parr.Katniss by Soo Kim

The Future by Claire Dietrich Faulhaber.

Life is Beautiful by Katherine Burley Sturich.

Spring Breakers by Julian Birchman.

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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