Kidman in Cannes. Part 3.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 8:54PM
Jose in Apichatpong Weerathesakul, Cannes, Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman

Jose here. I succumbed to what felt like a Satine-sque bout of consumption over the weekend and to show her sympathy Nicole Kidman stopped showing up at Cannes events. What do you mean she doesn't know who I am? She made two appearances on Sunday bringing the one accessory she'd been hiding so far, her husband Keith Urban.

Who She Wore: her face designer L'Wrenn Scott
Which Director She's Trying to Lure: this dreamlike blue, red and black leaf pattern was obviously made to grab the attention of the mysterious Apichatpong Weerasethakul who's known for his exotic settings and even weirder plots. (Nicole calls him "Joe" like the rest of the world but knows how to pronounce his name.) If this dress doesn't scream Uncle Boonmee then I don't know what does...
What "Charlotte Bless" would think of this: "Mmhmm"

More Kidman and the big Keith reveal pics after the jump...

At the Inside Llewyn Davis premiere


Nicole and Keith look oh so happy together that they have vanished since…judging from the steamy red carpet pics - seriously kids, keep your hands to yourselves - we must wonder if Nicole will leave her boudoir anytime before the jury meets to vote.

Now for a little mystery/puzzle solving:


Earlier during the weekend. I am dying to find out who designed Nicole's top but haven't been successful yet.

Help, dear readers?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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