Dear Readers, obrigado, xie xie, takk, danke!
Thursday, October 1, 2015 at 9:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Argentina, Asian cinema, Australia, Brazil, Germany, The Philippines, charts maps graphs, foreign films, getting to know you

Before Fall Film Season hits us like a ton of bricks in 3...2...1.. we wanted to thank the faithful readers wherever you're from. Running a daily site is not even remotely easy though it may sometimes appear to be from the outside. We truly cherish those of you who tune in regularly. Especially those of you who take the time to tweet out articles, or email them to friends or share them on facebook or what not. 

Your editor Nathaniel (c'est moi) has always loved globes & maps. This could account for some of our obsession with oscar's foreign film submissions each year (today was the final day for countries to submit their Oscar contenders!).

Whilst pitching an ad block to a distributor recently we got lost in statistics to where the readership actually is. More...

NYC, home base, and of course the broader United States are a huge hub for us of course. Otherwise readership is spread out evenly in lots of places and frustratingly weak in a few and puzzlingly good elsewhere -- I've never known quite what to make of our popularity in Brazil but we're deeply happy about it! Was it our oft-stated belief that Fernando Montenegro was the best Best Actress nominee in 1998? 

Anyway. I thought it might be fun for those of you who are interested in maps, or global audiences, or just your own country, to see where we're most and least popular. So here are our top 10 countries and top 10 cities...


Brazil and Germany are the top non-English language countries where we have healthy readerships though I was a bit surprised to find France down at #8 since our obsession for French actors is ever robust.

Here are the 6 most popular places within the nine most popular sub-continents just for fun...


Northern Europe being most popular doesn't really surprise given with the hefty UK readership and Nathaniel's own affinity for Scandinavian cinema. Does anything here interest or surprise you?

Next comes South America (with Brazil and Argentina doing the heavy lifting to make the site more popular there than in Asian or Eastern European countries) and The Philippines doing way more than its fair share for Southeast Asia. Interest in Eastern Asia is fairly evenly spread out, not super popular anywhere but somewhat healthy overall. 

These last Asian and Eastern European countries *sniffle* aren't really into The Film Experience much at all (apart from good readership pockets in India, Poland, Pakistan, and Turkey). And African readers are, no surprise, few and far between. 

Any ideas on how to spread the good news about TFE everywhere? Please do share. And give a shout out in the comments to tell us where you're reading from. 



Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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