Curio: The Lighter Side of Tom Hanks
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 8:00AM
Alexa in Forrest Gump, Splash, The Burbs, Tom Hanks, celebrity portraiture, galleries

Alexa here. This past Saturday, Gallery 1988 opened its newest group show of pop-culture inspired art, and it's a happy one: NO SAD STUFF includes paintings, prints, and sculptures influenced by Tom Hanks films from 1984-1994. This means pieces celebrating the likes of The Money Pit, Big, The Burbs, Turner & Hooch and, of course, Splash and Forrest Gump (among others).  

Seven pieces from the collection after the jump...

"Madison" by Benson Shum

"Life" by Eric Price

Jimmy Dugan baseball card by Cuyler Smith

A handmade knit piece by ishknits inspired by Big

"Brain Cloud" by J.R. Barker

Poster by Isuri Merenchi Hewage


Watercolor pieces by Eugene Kaik

 The only thing sad about the NO SAD STUFF show is that there weren't enough pieces in honor of Nothing in Common or Sleepless in Seattle, two of my favorite half-asleep-Saturday-afternoon watches.  Otherwise, there is plenty to grin at.  

See (and purchase) all the pieces here

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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