Judy by the Numbers: "Just Imagine"
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 9:30AM
Anne Marie in Judy Garland, Judy by the Numbers, June Allyson, TV, musicals

Anne Marie has been chronicling Judy Garland's career chronologically through musical numbers...

By episode 6, The Judy Garland Show was in trouble and it hadn’t even aired yet. CBS, still spooked by the Bonanza’s killer ratings, wanted The Judy Garland Show to be more, well, everything: More Hollywood glamour, more slapstick, more music, more ratings. With that in mind, after Tony Bennett fizzled and a planned episode with Nat King Cole fell through, the network fired most of the writers and producers by Episode 6. TV wunderkind Norman Jewison – who’d directed the original special – was brought on to save the show before it even got a chance to fail. Jewison’s first directives: More guests, more duets, and let’s knock Judy off that Hollywood high horse...

The Show: The Judy Garland Show Episode 6
The Songwriters: Lew Brown, Buddy DeSylva, Ray Henderson
The Cast: Judy Garland, Steve Lawrence, June Allyson, directed by Bill Hobin

The Story: As readers of last week’s post have pointed out, the variety show as a format was flagging even before Judy and CBS started taping. Nonetheless, though the production team was let go, Jewison forged ahead with the variety format, choosing to add more segments where Judy interacted with her guests, and shaking up the content – if not the structure – of the show.

June Allyson’s episode was the first to be shot under Jewison. Though during their studio system days MGM had used Allyson as Garland’s replacement, the two actresses were good friends, and that pleasant dynamic shines through as they talk and sing together. This duet sung laughingly together highlights their similarities as much as their differences. Though Allyson is not Garland’s vocal equal, both are broadly comic, sunniest while singing, and adept at performing to each other and the crowd. Ultimately, this number – and the entire newly-staffed episode – shows that at The Judy Garland Show, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.

previously on Judy by the Numbers

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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