Wong Kar-wai Aligns with Annapurna for Gucci Movie
Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 9:00AM
Daniel Crooke in In the Mood For Love, Megan Ellison, The Grandmaster, Wong Kar-wai

A piece of advice for these turbulent, trying times in America: appreciate beauty and take good news where you can find it. Luckily for fans of master director Wong Kar-wai, Indiewire just reported a lovely blend of both. Poised to bring his eleventh film to the big screen with the help of Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures, Wong’s follow-up to 2013’s elegant wuxia The Grandmaster will be a (no doubt, very nice looking) movie centered around the Gucci dynasty and the murderous, complicated family drama swirling around it. There’s absolutely nothing surprising about hearing the names Gucci and Wong Kar-Wai within the same breath; style recognizes style.

In the interim between now and whenever the film’s release – and in the spirit of swooning more and swooning often – I recommend watching this scrumptious interlude from In the Mood for Love on a loop until you melt into the iconic pot of noodles that Maggie Cheung so gracefully swings. What's your favorite Wong Kar-wai?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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