How I Feel / How I Wish I Felt
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 9:39PM
NATHANIEL R in Hit Me With Your Best Shot, how I feel

How I Feel / How I Wish I Felt as demonstrated by DeliveranceI seem to have done something to my shoulder* so typing has become painful. People are performing superhuman feats at the Olympics whilst looking sexy and I'm watching like a mangled corpse in my living room. Fun times. Alas, that means this week's Best Shot Special Edition focusing on both cinematography and a Best Costume choice (as tribute to Orry-Kelly with the release of the documentary "Women He Undressed") might be very late. I'm taking frequent long stretching breaks.

Best Shot Articles Elsewhere
Jason Choi *first time participant* looks at the final sequence in An American in Paris (1951) 
I Want to Believe relates to Sugar Kane in Some Like it Hot (1959)
Dancin' Dan on Marilyn's curves and despair in Some Like It Hot (1959) 
Allison Tooey looks at the musical Les Girls (1957) 
Timothy Brayton has a lot to say about the Best Picture winner An American in Paris (1951)

* by shoulder I obviously mean back (the pain likes to surprise me as to where it will show up) because I have a historically problematic one. When everyone is looking at Olympians like "what are those circular bruises on their bodies?" I'm all 'Oh, so and so's been cupping' because I've basically tried every treatment in my lifetime. 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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