Yes No Maybe So: "Passengers"
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 11:15AM
NATHANIEL R in Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Oscars (16), Visual FX, Yes No Maybe So, artificial intelligence, sci-fi fantasy

Do you like the Passengers trailer? The film, opening December 21st, is a mainstream-aimed original. Those are not quite an endangered species (yet) even though it feels that way after this summer of numbing sequels, remakes, and franchise extensions.


• I think we all see an Oscar nomination for Visual Effects coming. Maybe Production Design. Nice optics.
• ...and I wasn't talking about Pratt & Lawrence, but them, too!  If you're only going to give us two actors for the bulk of a movie, make them charismatic ones. Pratt & Lawrence are probably money well spent
• It looks like a blockbuster that may actually bust blocks (for a change)
• Feeling all the water imagery 

• Why did this trailer give plot away when it had plenty of visual hooks and starpower to entice us without plot elements? We were hoping to be more teased than told 
• Despite the visuals there's something grabby missing here, don't you think? But (if you agree) what? 

• Michael Sheen as an android bartender without nether regions. Is this punishment for all the action he gets on Masters of Sex? This could go wrong on the comic relief or 'why cast a famous actor for this?' spectrum
The Imitation Game is fine but did anything about it scream "Give Morten Tyldum a sci-fi epic!'
• Something feels a little 'We're in a Movie' performative about the chemistry. At least in these bite sized doses. Wouldn't it be weird if Pratt & Lawrence were not money well spent?  
• Jennifer Lawrence did not receive the memo from Princess Leia on taping down your breasts to prevent excess jiggling in outerspace. She's also spotted in a tank top and all wet. Unlike much of the internet The Film Experience totally appreciates the exploitation of star beauty (can we be adults and just admit that erotic appeal is a component of stardom and always has been?). That said, it's always more satisfying when it's gender balanced. Why isn't Chris Pratt jogging like Theroux or at least shirtless to match her?  

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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