Yes No Maybe So: "Avengers: Infinity War"
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 10:42AM
Ben Miller in Avengers: Infinity War, The Avengers, Yes No Maybe So

by Ben Miller

Oscar season is upon us and it’s easy to forget that studios also want to make billions upon billions of dollars next summer.  Marvel Studios have been teasing their fans for months with the news of the debut trailer for the Marvel Cinematic Universe teamup to end all teamups, Avengers: Infinity War.  Well, the hype has finally culminated to a climax as the trailer was debuted this morning.  Take a look after the jump and hit our obligatory Yes, No, Maybe So...




We have yet to see a Batman vs. Superman letdown by the MCU.  Who can imagine the Russo Brothers doing it now?  They have shown a penchant for practical effects over CGI, but this one looks like it could get out of control in that department.  But I'm personally still optimistic. You?

is your Spidey sense tingling?

Avengers Infinity War hits May 4th, 2018. Only 156 days from now

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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