1985 is on. Start watching and voting!
Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:30AM
NATHANIEL R in Oscars (80s), Smackdown, polls

The 1985 Supporting Actress Smackdown is on October 1st. Which means you have one month to watch or rewatch the movies and vote. 

We'll be announcing the panelists in a couple of weeks but you, the readers (collectively) are the final panelists. Your votes count towards the results. So get to rewatching or finally catching up with these four movies and send in your votes (from 1 to 5 hearts for each lady - only the performances you've seen please) with 1985 Smackdown in the subject line. You have until Friday September 29th to vote. 


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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