Jeff Bridges to receive the Cecil B DeMille Award
Monday, December 17, 2018 at 10:38AM
NATHANIEL R in Golden Globes, Jeff Bridges, Michelle Pfeiffer

A long time ago in a Hollywood far far away he was just another promising golden boy, one of Hollywood's hometown sons. Over his very impressive nearly 50 year movie career, though, Jeff Bridges became a true legend of his own. In fact, if he didn't make nepotism jokes at awards shows, people might have all but forgotten by now his early leg up in showbiz from TV star dad Lloyd Bridges

Today comes word that his legend status grows larger yet still. In a couple of weeks at the Golden Globes he'll be honored with this year's Cecil B DeMille Award...

That prize is a legends only deal after all. The last 20 recipients of the Cecil B DeMille have been: Shirley Maclaine, Jack Nicholson, Barbra Streisand, Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Gene Hackman, Michael Douglas, Robin Williams, Anthony Hopkins, Warren Beatty, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Jodie Foster, Woody Allen, George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, and Oprah Winfrey.

Bridges more than qualifies to join that household name group with several truly great performances and iconic films to choose from. Which of these highlights from that long career do you most hope to see prominently featured in his tribute/clipreel or maybe even discussed on the site if we find the time?

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot

[1970s] The Last Picture Show, Fat City, Bad Company, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, King Kong
[1980s] Cutter's Way, Heaven's Gate, Tron, Kiss Me Goodbye, Starman, Against All Odds, The Morning After, Tucker: The Man And His Dream, Nadine, The Fabulous Baker Boys
[1990s] The Fisher King, American Heart, Fearless, White Squall, The Mirror Has Two Faces, The Big Lebowski
[2000s] The Contender, Seabiscuit, The Door in the Floor, Iron Man, Crazy Heart
[2010s] True Grit, Hell or High Water, Bad Times at the El Royale

P.S. Dear HFPA, could we maybe get Michelle Pfeiffer to present it to him at the ceremony or at least sit at his table? We don't ask for much and seeing them together on Bridge's Oscar-winning night 8 years ago was a thrill. And that's putting it lightly. 

P.P.S. And speaking of... how about Michelle Pfeiffer for the Cecil B DeMille? We assume Tom Hanks and Jane Fonda will happen very soon but if we may be so bold as to offer suggestions of people you should consider who are less obvious than Hanks and Fonda, in addition to Pfeiffer, how about: Catherine Deneuve, Glenn Close, Maggie Smith, Ellen Burstyn, Emma Thompson, Goldie Hawn, The Coen brothers, Julie Christie, David Lynch, or Sally Field?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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