Tomorrow is your last day to vote on the Supporting Actress Smackdown of 1943. Casablanca wasn't nominated in that category but it took the Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay. In addition to being economically constructed -- those 102 minutes fly by every time (in fact, it's the 8th shortest Best Picture winner ever) -- it's got generous helpings of contenders for 'best line ever'. So I asked this month's panel to share their favorite line or exchange from that immortal classic.
Here's what we all chose...
Kieran Scarlett: "I'm a drunkard." -Rick Blaine's (Bogart) response to the question "What's your nationality?"
Kristen Lopez: "We haven't quite decided yet whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape"
Rebecca Pahle: "I came to Casablanca for the waters." "The waters? What waters? We're in the desert." "I was misinformed."
Nathaniel R: It's a toss up between "we'll be there at 6" / "I'll be there at 10" or "As I suspected you're a rank sentimentalist." Claude Rains is magnificent in this movie. Somehow he didn't win the Oscar... and never won!
Yaseen Ali: “Are you sure this place is honest?” a disgruntled gambler asks Carl about a game of roulette. (Partly because I aspire to wear a monocle while lodging complaints, but mostly because he reminds me of The Yes Man from The Simpsons.)
What are your favorite lines from Casablanca?