10 years ago on this very day... 
Friday, January 17, 2020 at 8:47AM
NATHANIEL R in Golden Globes, James Cameron, Kathryn Bigelow

...remember when Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) lost the Globe to her ex husband James Cameron (Avatar) at the Golden Globes. Before he even began thanking his team, he name-checked her to her apparent delight in the crowd as the camera held on her.

I'm actually not well prepared because frankly I thought Kathryn was going to win this --  I'm kind of winging it here. She richly deserves it...

Of course by the time the Oscars rolled around the situation reversed and The Hurt Locker was the favourite film and Bigelow became the first female director ever to win the Oscar. The Globes gave a Best Director trophy to Barbra Streisand for Yentl (1983) two decades earlier so perhaps they didn't feel any need to make history since they already had? Anyway we figured this anniversary was worth noting because the awards trouble for female directors has also haunted this Oscar season

Jumping to the now... What is going on with Kathryn Bigelow? She has no new projects listed on IMDb apart from producing Pablo Larrain's next project The True American. We hope that Detroit (2017) doesn't prove to be her last feature!!!

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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