International Submission List Updates
Monday, October 9, 2023 at 5:23PM
NATHANIEL R in Best International Film, Oscars (23)

by Nathaniel R

The submission list for Oscar's Best International Feature Film race is now 80 films long. What films will still pop up that we weren't warned about ahead of time? While the deadline to submit is over, there are usually 5-15 titles that are on the official list that weren't advertised ahead of time. Some countries that almost always submit that we haven't heard a peep about are Algeria, China, Lebanon, and Thailand. Nevertheless since I took a week off to vacation in Italy, seven more films were announced...

Argentina chose The Delinquents a three hour dramedy about two bank robbers. The writer/director Rodrigo Moreno had a feature debut critical sensation in 2006 with a film called El Custodio. 


Costa Rica submitted I Have Electric Dreams, a drama about a teenage girl who wants to live with her father instead of her mother and sister. The film is available online in the US. 

Ireland, which had their first nomination last year with The Quiet Girl, selected a documentary called In the Shadow of Beirut about two impoverished neighborhoods in Lebanon.

Malaysia opted for a horror movie called Tiger Stripes which is about an 11 year girl experiencing physical changes.

Mongolia made if official with the festival hit City of Wind, reviewed right here from both Venice and TIFF, as everyone expected.

Philippines surprised by choosing an animated film The Missing about an alien and a mouthless boy.

and finally...


Senegal went with Banel & Adama, a drama about a young couple whose village disapproves of their love. Senegal has yet to be nominated but they've only been submitting since 2017 and they've already had two very well-received finalists, Felicite and Atlantique, so it feels like only a matter of time.  


Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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