by Nick Taylor
Tragedy has struck this afternoon. Todd Haynes' would-be next film is officially dead in the water, two weeks after Joaquin Phoenix stormed off set from Mexico. No reason has been stated yet for why Phoenix has left the production, or why his departure has killed the film outright. Danny Ramirez is still ready to go. Todd Haynes is still ready! Why can't we have nice things?
The pity party continues under the cut . . . .
Remember Haynes' Peggy Lee biopic starring Michelle Williams that fell through and is apparently being rewritten as we speak? What about his planned adaptation of Herman Diaz's novel Trust for HBO, reuniting him with his Mildred Pierce star Kate Winslet? Haynes doesn't have the litany of abandoned projects someone like Guillermo del Toro has, but it's still disappointing to see him in this limbo.
But back to the matter at hand, because I don't think I really gave this enough attention: what is happening??? Phoenix approached Haynes with this material, co-wrote the project along with being set to star in it, and apparently pushed hard for an NC-17 rating that meant he'd have to do a lot of explicit gay stuff onscreen. What was it about the project he basically created that spooked him right as things were about to start filming? Haynes has spoken about how instrument Phoenix has been in developing the film, resulting in an unusually intimate process of creation.
All that being said, I'm still not clear how Joaquin's departure mean the film is dead in the water? Sets have been built. Money has changed hands. Everything is ready to go, except for the star fleeing the scene like everyone isn't about to lose a fuckton of money. What broke the camel's back for Phoenix to leave this project, unlike similar scares during the production of Joker and C'mon C'mon? Is he just afraid of playing gay? Did Phoenix see those "men would rather craft an intensely gay star vehicle than go to therapy" memes and realize something about himself? That sounds so glib, and whatever's happening that caused Phoenix to abandon the set, I hope he's able to resolve it. I also hope Haynes still has Mark Ruffalo or Ewan McGregor or Christian Bale on speed dial, and that they can get this movie made. If nothing else, I know plenty a homosexual who would happily star in a version of Happy Together set in California and Mexico alongside Danny Ramirez. Oh hell, what do I have to lose - Todd, call me!
Who would you cast to replace Phoenix? And who the fuck can we call to make sure this movie still gets made??!?