Geoffrey Rush Post-"Speech"
Friday, January 14, 2011 at 2:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Geoffrey Rush, Theater in post The King's Speech not post-acceptance speech.

Until we saw Christian Bale's appropriately showy work in The Fighter -- you thought local celebrity crack addicts were wallflowers? --  we thought Geoffrey Rush's less-showy-than-expected eccentricity in The King's Speech would net him a second Oscar [Supporting Actor Category... though they're both arguably co-leads]. And why not? The man is a veritable magnet for gold (he ought to hire out as a metal detector) and, as such, is already a Triple Crowner (Oscar: Shine; Tony: Exit the King; Emmy: The Life and Death of Peter Sellers).

So what's next? Another showy eccentric on stage!

Diary of a Mad Man starring Geoffrey Rush

One assumes they'll be a couple of dark days 'round the Oscars so that Rush can attend but he'll spend Feb 11th to March 12th on stage at BAM in Brooklyn in Nikolai Gogol's Diary of a Mad Man. It's not a Quills remake no but, you know how those theatrical mad men do all kinda bleed together in still photos.

More photos at Playbill

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