Yes, No, Maybe So: "Crazy Stupid Love"
Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 3:13PM
NATHANIEL R in Crazy Stupid Love, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell, Yes No Maybe So

The tradition here at The Film Experience is to break down new movie trailers under Yes, No and Maybe So reactions. It's a way to measure expectations rather than allow good (or bad) marketing to totally control us. But watching the trailer for the new comedy Crazy Stupid Love defeated my critical sensibilities entirely. It left me giddy and "Can I see this today. Please!???"

This single image best sums it up.

It's more for the two thumbs up than for the Tomei, though our thumbs are always up for Marisa, too. But this is one of those rare trailers wherein every new star that appears just ups the pleasure ante.

I guess we should play the game anyway. For consistency's sake.

For so many reasons: Giving Julianne Moore, who has a troublesome track record in comedy, the best joke in a trailer and watching her nail it; Wisely casting Emma Stone, who is too smart to be an easy target as the romantic foil; Asking Ryan Gosling to embrace his inner (and outer) sex god -- we always heartily approve when movies don't ask movie stars to pretend they're less than perfect specimens. Why pretend? Why do you think they're movie stars in the first place; Giving Carell a role that might capitalize on the depth he suggested in Little Miss Sunshine; Throwing a very excitable Marisa Tomei at us when we're already totally excited. This trailer is an embarrassment of YES.

On the other hand, comedy trailers are notorious for giving away all the best jokes. And there's always the danger that this film's sexual politics might veer towards gaybaiting (the straw joke), or super reductive "manliness is the answer" or tired Mars/Venus 'man is self-sabotaging but in the end he always knows best / women are so neurotic' heteronormative schtick that mucks up so many otherwise promising romantic comedies.

The "tag" at the end of trailers. This apparently mandatory element is usually handed over to a terribly unfunny joke. But this bit betwen Ryan and Emma is fun.


It's always possible that two hours of Emma being hilarious, Ryan begin charmingly cocky, Julianne being wet eyed funny/sad, Steve being clueless but soulful and Marisa being bouncy and awesome will get old real fast.



That didn't work to manage my expectations. I'm still an excited YES.
                    How about you?


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