Yes, No, Maybe So: "We Bought A Zoo"
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 4:17PM
NATHANIEL R in Cameron Crowe, Matt Damon, Oscars (11), ScarJo, We Bought A Zoo, Yes No Maybe So

Perhaps it's my childhood calling but I've been looking forward to We Bought A Zoo all year on account of me likey the wild animals. I even initially thought it might be in the Oscar race on account of inspirational film and comeback possibilities for its director. But that was then... We finally have a trailer for Cameron Crowe's first movie since everybody decided to shun him (Elizabethtown) just a few short years after everyone decided that they worshipped him (Almost Famous). In the new film Matt Damon plays a widower (I think? It's unclear) struggling to raise his kids from central casting: let's call them Quippy Cute Moppet and Mopey Teenager In Need Of Fathering. The family is sad and needs a fresh start. They buy... wait for it... A ZOO!

Now, let's break it down with our patented Yes, No, Maybe So system. Does the trailer make us eager, eager to avoid or leave us somewhere inbetween? 





Little Known Fact: Excessive Exposure to Bathetic Platitudes and Inspirational Media Causes MigrainesMAYBE SO


The "No" column is awfully robust, I fear.

Where do you fall with this one? Or on Cameron Crowe in general actually? Tell me you at least love wild animals. 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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