Curio: The Driver
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 2:29PM
Alexa in Curio, Drive, movie posters

Alexa here.  After seeing Drive this past weekend I am now one of the legions of obsessives screaming about how cool it is all over the internet.  So, of course, I found myself on a search for some original poster designs for the film.  To me, its 80s stylings and rich atmosphere scream for visual homage (it even got Nathaniel sketching again!).  

Here are some recent designs I spotted.  I'm hoping to see more soon.

Poster by Cory Schmitz and Maré Odomo.

Two more from the series.


Poster by Matt Needle.

Another amazing cover for Little White Lies.

Previously on "Curio"...
Showdowns | Custom Painted Film Stills | Woody's Women | Crafty Stanley Kubrick

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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