5 Kidmanic Confessions
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 7:18PM
NATHANIEL R in Actressexuality, Clive Owen, Closer, Days of Thunder, Hemingway and Gelhorn, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Wrestling Ernest Hemingway

Confession #1: Whenever I see images or promotions from Hemingway & Gelhorn (2012) or think of Nicole Kidman and Clive Owen together, my mind immediately fools me into believing that they already co-starred in Closer (2004).

Yes, yes, yes that was Julia Roberts but I'm just telling you that my Nicole-addled brain attempts to force the recasting every time.

It tastes like yours only sweeter."

How hot would that have been?

More photos /confessions after the jump...

Confession #2
: The first time I saw Nicole Kidman at the movie theater was in Days of Thunder (1990) wherein she played a brain surgeon who shoved her brain patient Tom Cruise against the wall (head first) in order to sex him up. I laughed like a banshee. What a terrible brain surgeon! (When did you first see her?)

Confession #3: I hated Nicole Kidman until 1995. I blame Tom Cruise. I am a better person now.

Confession #4: That opening shot of Nicole in Eyes Wide Shut drives me absolutely wild. Actressexual foreplay. It's my favorite scene in the movie but that's easy because I don't like the rest of the movie.

Confession #5: I keep typing Wrestling Ernest Hemingway when I mean Hemingway & Gelhorn... TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS, Nathaniel. Like Julia & Nicki. Don't throw Sandra B into the mix too, good god.

(I blame the constant nineties nostalgia)

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
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