Curio: Vivien's Many Faces
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 9:25AM
Alexa in Costume Design, Curio, The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone, Vivien Leigh, celebrity portraiture

Alexa here, weighing in with some curios for TFE's Vivien Leigh Centennial Celebration.  It seems unbelievable that Vivien made only 19 films, with her face leaving such an indelible mark on the cinema landscape.  And, oh (as Kendra's book celebrates), that face! I think only Cate Blanchett can today approximate the expressive prisms that were Vivien's eyes.  With that in mind, here are some lovelies that celebrate her cinema career.

Three costumes from Caesar and Cleopatra, painted by C. David Claudon, available in print form here.Academy Award portrait print, available here.French poster for The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, available on ebay.Vintage cigarette card from her first year in film, 1935, also on ebay.

Look magazine from Dec 1940. Leigh had won the Oscar in February and Waterloo Bridge was released in May.

a theatrical caricature by Owen Ascroft from the 1930s from a production of "The Happy Hypocrite"
GWTW paddle masks, available here.


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