Hey everyone. I'm leaving for Michigan tomorrow but before I go and I wanted to introduce you to a new member of the team, Nick McCarthy who we see here to the left, obviously royally excited to start contributing.
Just so you get a feel for him, here is how it goes with Nick. He gets most annoyed when themes are overexplicitly stated in film or literature. He vastly prefers motif and character to plot, and is prone to adore intimate, chatty, and plotless films that frequently elicit the reaction, "Nothing happened." [We know this feeling, too!] In addition to cinema, Nick enjoys pinball, exploring cities, food, and dive bars --which he claims is one of the only places, other than at the cinema, to learn as much about life.
In other Guest Blogger news, I've invited two past Readers of the Day (that series will return soon. I miss it) to fill in since I'm on vacation next week. You've heard from Ester Bloom before who wrote that fun piece on Mia Wasikowska vs. Saoirse Ronan and you'll also hear from Paolo.
Say hello to the newbies! (We're bulking up as we move into the best Oscar season yet. At least we hope so. The movies better deliver.)