Yes, No, Maybe So: "Dark Shadows"
Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 10:42PM
NATHANIEL R in Chloe Moretz, Dark Shadows, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Yes No Maybe So, comedy, vampires

I meant to start the Burtonjuice series tonight, a full retrospective of Tim Burton each Thursday night, but that might have to wait one more Thursday. Because we're all Burton'ed out after watching the trailer to Dark Shadows twice in a row to see if it was for real.

Are you for real, trailer?

The trailer runs its mouth but does not answer.

It blabbers, nudges and winks, spreads its finger claws dramatically then goes back to amusing itself. We're glad someone is amused.

So let's break it down with our Yes, No, Maybe So system







 The wrong actor is out of focus. Just saying.



I began with a screenshot that most expressed my feelings while watching the trailer.  I end with the last image from the trailer which also happens to be the last feeling I'm left with.

Which is also, quite coincidentally, the expression often found on my face while being forced to look at Chloe Moretz in movies.

I'd be a "No" but for the completism with La Pfeiffer and that Burton alimony... even after the divorce we are required to buy tickets to his movies. How about you? Yes No or Maybe So?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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