Cronenberg. Cosmopolis. Can't Wait.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 5:28PM
NATHANIEL R in Adaptations, Cosmopolis, David Cronenberg, Robert Pattinson, books

Since I neglected to share the Cosmopolis teaser when it first hit the net and we'll wait for the full trailer for our Yes No Maybe So treatment (obviously I'm an orgasmic yes... Cronenberg. Duh) so I thought I'd share my 9 favorite images from the teaser in sort of chronological order...though I lost track of them as they exploded orgasmically over my terrified/turned on eyeballs.

If anyone can make a Don DeLillo novel which takes place solely in the back of a car cinematic, isn't it David Cronenberg?

Robert Pattinson is painfully attractive ... which is painful to admit. Damn you, RPattz!

7 more increasingly freaky shots after the jump...

My single favorite image could I only choose one.

Sex + horny actresses + cars. That was a thrilling perverse combo in Cronenberg's Crash. 


I was so excited to see her I've lost control of my bladder. What? She doesn't work enough and she's a thrilling actress.

Giant rats... aaaahhhhiyyyikes. this movie is going to be such a mindfuck. You know what Don DeLillo novella really freaked me out that I just love? The Body Artist. I highly recommend. Have any of you read it?

Books are sexy.



For the three of you who haven't yet seen it...

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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