Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 12:00PM
NATHANIEL R in The Film Experience

A new Saturday tradition since it's the slowest day for the site and some of you don't visit every day *sniffle* and we don't want you to miss anything so catch up over the weekend, why don't you?

Save the Dates SAG, BAFTA, GLOBE, OSCAR ceremony dates announced
Endless Awards  Best Cameos - the film bitch awards continue
Your Vote? Beauty vs. Beast "cleavagey slutbomb" vs. "the chosen one" - why haven't you voted? I know you love the greatest TV show evah!
⬅ And yes I'm shamelessly trying to sway your votes
Some Doodling "Spark" Nathaniel draws the Marquise
Casting Problems More Leading Roles for Women and More Roles (at all) for Disabled Actors and Hollywood's love of White-Washing are three super-related topics that were big talking points this week round the web
Good Talk  "True Looking" this report on the season finales of Looking and True Detective garnered the most comments this week.
Most Talk "Podcast Finale" - the gang's all here to wrap up awards season
Most Important Oscar Coverage Index and a plea for subscriptions to keep the site healthy. We need about 290 more of you!


2004's best picture (not AMPAS stamped alas) turns 10 years old on Wednesday next week and on Tuesday night at 9 PM we'll celebrated by kicking off the fifth season of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" - to play along just post your favorite shot somewhere with a short explanation and we'll link up. 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
See website for complete article licensing information.