Oscar Coverage. It's a Wrap!

Still so cold. Perhaps a tropical vacation post Oscar? Whew. We made it through another season (but for one last podcast - see below). Kisses. Hugs. No-Doz. Please stay with us throughout the year as 2014 WILL be our best yet.
2013 was a breakthrough year starting with a spot on CNNi, joining the Gurus of Gold, doing TIFF (and then Sundance) and the Critics Choice event officially, and the best year yet for ad sales. But a breakthrough is not, unfortunately, quite the same thing as 'making it'.
I recently made a tough life choice to make writing my sole income -- yes, believe it or not, I've been juggling a second career for most of the 8 years that The Film Experience has been a daily endeavor (TFE existed before 2005 but that was before all sites needed daily content to stay competitive - the speed of content has increased exponentially all over the web). But now I'm just writing about the movies. Juggling the two became more and more difficult and right here is where the passion lies. To help me prove that it wasn't the worst decision of my life: read, share, link, tweet articles you like, donate, or best yet subscribe (see "Keep TFE Strong" in your right hand sidebar) and for the price of a cup of coffee each month (or more if you're flush) you can make sure a roof stays over my head. I feel enormous gratitude that people read at all much less so many of you. I'm particularly grateful to those who are already subscribing but just 300 hundred more of you and things get substantially easier (i.e. [cue Pet Shop Boys/Destiny's Child/] i love you you pay my rent ♫! / Can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo* bills? ♫ / )
Complete Oscar Week Coverage
- Red Carpet Lineup (pt 1) - The Golden Ladies
- Red Carpet Lineup (pt 2) - Everyone Else
- The Night in Liza - because she deserves better!
- "A Pizza Ranks the Celebrities Who Ate Him"
- "Speech! Speech!" - Cate reigned benevolently over us all while Matthew worshipped himself
- Second Nominations? Which first-timers will be right back?
- Backstage at the show - bon mots from the press room
- The Big Show reviewed - crumbs, mysteries, endearments
- Winning Moment / Loveable Losers - slo-mo fantasies of victory & defeat
Oscar Foods & Frozen Cake - What did you serve at your party? - "2013" - Let's get the date right. Plus photos
- The Beautiful People - Cate, Matthew, Lupita & Jared
- Order of Presentation - Performance Order & Winners List
- Arrivals - Live Blogged
PODCAST !? GOT ANY QUESTIONS FOR US? As an addendum to all of this and for the Season Finale, Katey, Nick, and Joe join Nathaniel for the final podcast of the season. (The podcast will be on hiatus until mid to late April but I think you'll love next season even more)
* I do not actually have automo' bills. I take the subway
Reader Comments (26)
I was about to say! The Oscar season can't be over until I hear you, Nick, Katey, and Joe snipe about all the happenings this past Sunday. I've been looking forward to it all week.
In John Travolta world, I'm pretty sure Joe Reid's name is pronounced "Sophie Okonedo."
(And congrats on making the full-time move to writing. Look forward, as always, to reading more.)
Can't wait for the podcast!
Loved all your coverage and congrats on making writing your full-time gig! Not an easy thing to do by any means.
Question for the podcast: who esle would you cast in the latest Oscar-winning roles (Jasmine, Ron, Rayon and Patsey)?
Woot! Cheers to your continued success!! You deserve it. :)
Well, you have a new subscriber. Can't believe I hadn't done it yet.
Podcast Q:
I don't want to think about studios/distributors being a driving force for the Oscar race or for Oscar campaigns but shouldn't Sony be concerned of this recent track record of having films that did well in critics groups, the box office, and even in nominations but fall apart toward the tail-end of Oscar season? American Hustle is the third one of there top films in a short period of time (The Social Network and Zero Dark Thirty) to do this, albeit each under very different circumstances in each of those races.
Well I think we need all of you to pick your #1 pre-Oscar season (so before Sep/Oct) film you want to see. Great job all year guys!
Pair one nominated actor (either category) and one nominated actress (ditto) with one oscar nominated director in their next-next film.
Finally went ahead and subscribed. Cheers! :)
Ooh, can we just do Arkaan's thing and open it up to actors of all time?
Just subscribed, and I wish you well. Watch this, and tell me it doesn't make you long for the days of gravitas at the Oscars. http://youtu.be/TSNKH4TeWjI
Congrats on making this site your full time job, and on an excellent season of film coverage! This site is a joy to read every day, so thank you thank you thank you for keeping it up!
Q: I know you've played the casting switcheroo game before with nominated actors - let's play it with directors! Of the Best Picture nominees, which would you be most interested to have seen directed by another nominee's director?
Arkaan's question is golden! I 100% back it!!
Other podcast suggestions:
1. Introduce yourselves as John Travolta would ("Hi, you're listening to the Fruit Export podcast, this Ezequiel Roberts from the Fruit Export, joined by Pickle Sales from Pickles' Chopsticks, Casey Birch from Verity Fusca, and Bo Dean from The Whisper").
2. Sign off with an Movie wish for 2014.
3. If you could join in on Ellen's One Selfie To Rule Them All, whose spot would you take? Alternatively, if you could swap anyone from the selfie, who would be included and who would be ousted?
Dan, Squasher, Poli -- THANK YOU. 3 down, 297 to go. haha :)
CMG, there's one crucial difference: ZD30 and TSN are great movies.
Question: I've been baffled by the Internet's sudden dismissal of the Oscars due to DiCaprio not winning Sunday. (I guess people didn't realize he wasn't the favorite?) Not sure what's prompted this, since I can't recall people in the past being outraged that he hasn't won yet, by why doesn't there seem to be an equal amount of love or attention for someone like Amy Adams when she has more losses than him?
P.S. Would love to hear what you guys think Cate and Amy's tattoos said :)
Are any of you doing events in San Francisco this year? It'd be great to have for example Nick lecture at Frameline FF this June.
1. Do you think the winners won for the right films, or is there something else in the filmography you think was more deserving?
2. What can Uma Thurman do to not squander this comeback like she did after Kill Bill?
Whom do you all think is genuinely "overdue" for an Oscar of this years nominees?
Wait, do you mean the wrap-up Oscar podcast won't be until April, or do you mean the one AFTER that?
Brian, my opinion--Bruce Dern. 70s cinema owes him a great debt.
My question for the gang: Which character from a previous Woody Allen film do you wish had taken a seat beside Jasmine on that park bench?
Can't wait for the podcast--**the true** close of awards season. :)
Jase -- no, the one after that. The podcast will be up late tonight (or tomorrow morning depending on how fast itunes is... they vary)
Oh THANK GOD. My Oscar season isn't complete without your sane, measured, intelligent voice Nathaniel (ditto Joe, Nick, and Katey) and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the wrap up. Especially since 12 Years and Lupita won! :)