The 72nd Golden Globes
Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 8:25PM
NATHANIEL R in Amy Adams, Golden Globes, Meryl Streep, Michael Keaton, Prince, Transparent

We'll discuss in greater detail tomorrow but for tonight a skeletal live blog to remind us of what happened when

8:00 An opening monologue to intimidate all future Globe hosts. Amy & Tina are on fire with just about every joke landing, some more comfortably than others. Jessica Chastain sums up the reactions to the Bill Cosby joke below. [more after the jump]

Jessica reacting to a particularly daring Bill Cosby joke. Tina & Amy really went there
Emma reactions to a BIG EYES joke aimed at her gif via Vulture

8:12 Jennifer Aniston and Benedict Cumberbatch present the first award.

Best Supporting Actor J.K. Simmons (Whiplash) 

Lovely speech ending by thanking his wife for everything "...including our adorable above average children" 

8:14 Dakota Johnson and her Fifty Shades of Grey sexpot present next. He seems as surprised as we are by the winner!

Best Supporting Actress, Miniseries Joanne Froggat (Downton Abbey)

She seems to understand that it was her sad rape storyline that did it with a speech about hearing from victims. 

8:20 The commercial break includes a shot of Julianne Moore & Amy Adams together. Sadly, I failed to capture the moment well. 

Best TV Movie or Mini-Series, Fargo (FX)

Jennifer Lopez, in a dress that is warring between being showgirl slutty and caftan goddess presented that one. 

8:40 Bryan Cranston and Kerry Washington presents TV Comedy/Musical categories

Best Actress, TV Series Comedy/Musical, Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin)
Best Series, TV Series Comedy/Musical, Transparent (Amazon)

Love that show, Transparent. Need to watch Jane, obvis. The speeches are very emotional. Hadn't previously read much about the making of Transparent but apparently it's autobiographical

8: 43 Commercial Break 

8:47 Katey's favorite movie St. Vincent introduced by Melissa McCarthy. We had fun with that one on the last podcast. Sienna Miller and Vince Vaughn (looking very uncomfortable) present next.

Best Score, Johan Johannson (The Theory of Everything)

8:50 Surprise presenter PRINCE.


You guys. I actually thought it was Amy Poehler in Prince drag for a second. #wow.

— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 12, 2015


The audience freaks out. Especially Viola Davis and Alisson Janney.

Best Original Song. "Glory" Common & John Legend (Selma)

I love this song. I've been listening to the live version of this non-stop since that Selma luncheon (which I posted for you) 

8:55 Commercial break: Amy Adams talking to Jake G. George Clooney being goofy with his program at his table. 

9:00 Seth Myers and Katie Holmes and the Supporting Actors are giving good face to the camera. Alan Cumming in a skin colored tux

Supporting Actor in a Movie or Mini-Series for TV, Matt Bomer (The Normal Heart)

Matt seems very very nervous. Plays beautiful tribute to Mark Ruffalo "the best scene partner"

9:03 Clive Owen introduces a clip from The Theory of Everything. Ricky Gervais doing what Ricky Gervais does.

Actress in a Movie Comedy/Musical,  Amy Adams (Big Eyes)

9:08 That was a surprise, wasn't it? Going to commercial break Viola and Oprah are totally holding hands like besties. 

9:18 I missed some stuff. Salma Hayek and Kevin Hart presented Animated film. Then Kate Hudson a clip from Into the Woods. Why are all the presenters from the 'I was most famous in the late 90s' pool? STOP IT, HFPA.  

Best Animated Feature How To Train Your Dragon 2
Best Supporting Actress Patricia Arquette (Boyhood

9:25 Patricia Arquette's speech is read from a piece of paper which is unforgivable under most circumstance but it's Patty and she calls herself a nerd and she is wearing glasses and she says lovely things so we'll let it slide this once.

9:32 Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader, The Skeleton Twins themselves. 

Best Screenplay, Inarritu & Team (Birdman)

9:33 Jack Black introduces a clip for Boyhood 

9:36 Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin make jokes about a stereotype that men aren't funny. Get it. Haha. Can't wait for their Netflix show.

Best Actor Comedy/Musical, Jeffrey Tambor (Transparent)

9:43 Colin Farrell and Lupita Nyong'o in awesome gladness. And Adrien Brody and Kate Beckinsale

Best Foreign Film, Leviathan (Russia)
Best Actress, Movie or Mini-Series, Maggie Gyllenhaal the Honorable Woman

9:48 Beautiful speech from Maggie about great complicated female parts. Jake looks so happy for her. Frances McDormand doesn't; fans herself.  

9:49 Another commercial break where Julianne Moore and Amy Adams are talking. They can't get enough of each other.

9:53 We're back. Paul Rudd & Adam Levine presenting. Paul Rudd introduces himself as Blake Shelton. Is that a Voice joke.

Best Drama Series, The Affair (Showtime)

9:56 Why is Catherine Zeta-Jones introducing Pride? Oh wait, Welsh, right? She looks great. 

9:58 Katherine Heigl & David Duchovny

Best Actor in a Drama Series, Kevin Spacey, House of Cards

First Globe win after 8 nominations - I totally forgot he lost for American Beauty (to Denzel Washington for The Hurricane). Nice speech about wanting to be better. That's good. Once you get too complacent...

10:02 Commercial break. Gwyneth chatting with Ethan. Great Expectations reunion! 

10:07 Julianna Marguiles and Don Cheadle introduce the Cecil B DeMille Award to "our great friend" George Clooney. Nice expansive reel. It's easy to forget how many good movies he's been in!

10:22 The Grand Budapest Hotel is introduced by Owen Wilson, voice even more nasal than usual.

10:23 Harrison Ford presents Best Director.

Best Director Richard Linklater Boyhood

Richard Linklater seems a little bit overome with this prize. Ethan Hawke, breathing out like he's been holding it for hours, and Patricia Arquette are holding hands.

Chris Pratt & Anna Faris doing a bit about their cross channel marriage

Best Actress Drama Series, Ruth Wilson, The Affair 

10:27 Ruth Wilson compliments Dominic West's butt. That's all I got from it. I do plan to watch the show. Not for the buttocks. 

Best Actor, Comedy or Musical, Michael Keaton (Birdman)

10:35 Amy Adams presents. Michael Keaton seems drunk. Very generous speech thanking HFPA for even having a comedy category (hear hear). Correctly suggests that Inarritu is never going to have a trouble getting big actors for his next films. Tears up talking about his son. Great speech. And he tells so much about his family life. Definitely wasn't born into showbiz...


Dang, who else wants to Kickstart a Michael Keaton biopic? #GoldenGlobes

— Margaret de Larios (@says_margaret) January 12, 2015


I'd say he just won the Oscar but we haven't seen who the Drama winner is yet. 

10:37 Our next presenter is known by only one name "Winfrey". Haha. She introduces the clip from Selma.

10:39 Commercial break: Kate Hudson takse a photo for someone on their phone. But who? 

10:44 Channing Tatum introduces the clip from Foxcatcher nominated for Best Drama. Robert Downey Jr gets to do Best Picture Comedy. Weird segueway that. 

Best Picture, Comedy or Musical The Grand Budapest Hotel

After multiple wins they wanted to spread the wealth. We never hear Wes Anderson give speeches.

...and we still haven't. But the reading of names of various HFPA members was hilarious.  

10:51 Matthew McConaughey gets right into it with Best Actress (we're running long)

Best Actress, Drama Julianne Moore Still Alice
Best Actor, Drama Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything

SAVAGE GRACE FOREVER! Nice reunion. Julianne's speech ends with a bit on "work and love" and it's beautiful and she seems so happy. Eddie Redmayne gets played off because they're running long.  But it's still a long time until Oscar. Can they repeat? 

Best Picture Drama, Boyhood

11:02 Meryl Streep presents the last award of the night. Correctly assumes that she'll be there the next year and the year after that by saying she's going to miss Tina and Amy hosting. Aren't we all?


Basically Meryl lives inside award show theaters. She only leaves to film the next movie she'll be nominated for. #TheCircleofLife

— Nathaniel Rogers (@nathanielr) January 12, 2015


 A big night for Boyhood with 3 prizes but Birdman and The Theory of Everything also took home two Globes and Grand Budapest won best picture, comedy so it was a spread the wealth kind of night.




Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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