We Wish You a Merry Christmas 
Monday, December 24, 2018 at 4:55PM
NATHANIEL R in Holidays, The Film Experience

Nathaniel in Santa dragDear Readers, you may have noticed that Team Experience is on a wee break for the holiday so the posting is a bit sparse but we'll be back with more appropriate Oscar season levels starting on Tuesday/Wednesday! Lots more interviews, reviews, and year in review madness coming your way in just a  couple of days. Hell, there will even be a little something up for the holiday tomorrow because we're terrible about staying offline even though we really should rest the eyes (SCREENS∞!!!). In the meantime if you're eager for something new to read catch up on our favorite Christmas movies, or the early stages of our year in review party, or the re-ranked Oscar charts, or any 2018 reviews you may have missed. There should be a new podcast up tonight, too!

We're so thankful for you for reading so loyally! If you're thankful for us, drop a little something in our virtual beggar's cup.

If you look at the sidebar ➡️ you'll see a subscribe option (the price of a cup of coffee a month!) or make a one time donation if you can't do monthly). XO, Nathaniel 

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
See website for complete article licensing information.