'Best Shot' Returns in One Month
Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 8:19PM
NATHANIEL R in Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Break out the bubbly because "Hit Me With Your Best Shot", a ton of fun all spring and summer, returns in early March for its sixth and final season. Films TBA but maybe you have suggestions...


If you're new to the blog or haven't yet experimented with actually participating, I guarantee a good time. 


  1. Watch the assigned movie over the weekend
  2. Post your single favorite shot from that movie any time on Tuesday (i.e. what you deem "best" for whatever reason) on your blog/tumblr/youtube/instagram/twitter/pinterest whatever and tell us why you chose it!
  3. Let us know you've done so and we link up

Just a three step process. Easy-peasy  ANY SUGGESTIONS? The list of movies we've already covered after the jump...


Sherlock Jr (24), The Circus (28), Pandora's Box (29)  

Tarzan the Ape Man (32), Snow White (37), Wizard of Oz (39), Gone With the Wind (39)

The Letter (40), Fantasia (41), How Green Was My Valley (41), Shadow of a Doubt (43), The Woman in the Window (44), Double Indemnity (44), Black Narcissus (47), Possessed (47), Easter Parade (48), The Red Shoes (48)


Sunset Blvd (50), A Streetcar Named Desire (51), The Quiet Man (52), Singin' in the Rain (52), The Bad and the Beautiful (52), Forbidden Games (52), How to Marry a Millionaire (53), Johnny Guitar (54), Night of the Hunter (55), Rebel Without a Cause (55), Picnic (55), Summertime (55), A Face in the Crowd (57), Suddenly Last Summer (59)

Rocco and His Brothers (60), Psycho (60), La Dolce Vita (60), Yesterday Today and Tomorrow (63), Hud (63), Mary Poppins (64), Goldfinger (64), Zorba the Greek (64), The Sound of Music (65), Repulsion (65), Blow Up (66),  Bonnie & Clyde (67), Barbarbella (68), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (69) 

Pink Narcisuss (71), The Exorcist (73), Cries and Whispers (73), American Graffiti (73), Dog Day Afternoon (75), Story of Adele H (75), Taxi Driver (76), Eraserhead (77), Three Women (77)

Can't Stop the Music (80), Nine to Five (80), Mommie Dearest (81), Amadeus (84), Ladyhawke (85), The Color Purple (85), A Room With a View (86), Aliens (86), Law of Desire and/or Matador (86/87), Peggy Sue Got Married (86), Dead Ringers (88) 

Paris is Burning (90), Edward Scissorhands (90), Dick Tracy (90), Beauty & the Beast (91), Raise the Red Lantern (91), Jurassic Park (93),  Heavenly Creatures (94), Pocahontas (95), Se7en (95), Showgirls (95), [safe] (95), Jackie Brown (97), LA Confidential (97),  The Talented Mr Ripley (99), The Matrix (99)

Bring it On (00), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (00), Requiem for a Dream (00), X-Men (00), Chicken Run (00), Moulin Rouge! (01), Memento (01), The Royal Tenenbaums (01), Road to Perdition (02), Angels in America (03), Mean Girls (04), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (04), Serenity (05), Bright Star (09),


Pariah (11), Magic Mike (12), Under the Skin (14), Mad Max Fury Road (15)

Experimental Episodes
Orson Welles Centennial (41-48), Any Batman Film (franchise 66-12), The Saddest Children in the World Trilogy (shorts 03-09), Orange is the New Black S2 (TV 2014), Eagleman Stag & Death to Tim Man (shorts 07-11), VMA Best Music Video Nominees (14-15)

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (http://thefilmexperience.net/).
See website for complete article licensing information.