Top Ten Biggest Money-Making Actresses Right Now
Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 6:00PM
NATHANIEL R in Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Emma Stone, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Kristen Stewart, Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock, Tues Top Ten, box office

For today's Tuesday's Top Ten we're using Forbes numbers for discussion lift-off We recently discussed their list of the top paid actors from the past twelve months and came to the conclusion that they don't challenge themselves much at all. The women are a slightly different story. While it's true that no one would mistake this for a list of 'The Best Actresses Working' or 'The Actresses Who Are Currently Testing The Limits of Their Range,' this list does have slightly more variety in filmography though far less in terms of beauty and age as is always the case with the men and the women of Hollywood

01 Angelina Jolie $33 
Tops the list by way of signing on to Maleficent for Disney. The Sleeping Beauty prequel is a surefire hit, both because it's presold -- branding being everything -- and because it's Jolie who rarely falters at the box office. 

nine more ladies and an actress poll after the jump

02 Jennifer Lawrence $26 
The youngest woman on the list (almost 23) is Hollywood's reigning "Best Actress" and Queen of Internet Fandom (seriously, people be obsessed!). She had a sleeper hit with Silver Linings Playbook (the first romantic comedy to strike it rich with the trifecta - critics, audiences, Oscars - in quite some time) but it's the Hunger Games and X-Men paychecks that will sustain her even if she retires by 25.

03 Kristen Stewart $22 
With Twilight wrapping up, Forbes warns that she will drop off this list next year. She could certainly use a little time away from the spotlight since she doesn't seem to enjoy it all that much. Still, I doubt she's "over". (She was #1 last year)

04 Jennifer Aniston $20
Is the closest thing the female list has to someone who would not look at all out of place on the corresponding male list: she almost never tests her range and the films make money and are then instantly forgotten. 

05 Emma Stone $16 
Will this be the decade of Stone? She broke out big in 2010 with Easy A nd it's been smooth sailing since with big hits (The Help, The Amazing Spider-Man), regular size hits (Crazy Stupid Love), and a flop no one blamed on her (Gangster Squad). She's got adoring fans, adorable boyfriend, and critical adoration; Easy A indeed. But I'd say the next few projects are crucial if she wants to establish herself as a formidable actress and not just a popular one. Her best performance is still easily Easy A so shouldn't she be grabbing at juicier lead roles and stop playing second fiddle to another star as she's been doing ever since? (DEBUT ON THIS LIST)

06 Charlize Theron $15 
We interviewed her. We love her. The comeback was a resounding success and we hope she sticks around this time. Forbest notes that her extracurricular activities (like the Dior campaign) are a big key to her financial success since she takes risks like Young Adult. We like our actresses best this way. If you have to be a gazillionaire do it with endorsements but create indelible characters that are yours alone on the big screen even if no one will pay you the big bucks to make them!

07 Sandra Bullock $14 
With another big hit in theaters she'll be on the list again next year when she turns 50. Such longevity with that one (as previously discussed)!

08 Natalie Portman $14 
09 Mila Kunis $11 
The Black Swan girls are still circling each other... at least in list form. And if you ask me their acting careers are as f***ed up as their ballerina relationship was. Doesn't it seem like Portman hasn't registered much at all since Black Swan? The money keeps rolling in thanks to Thor in which she plays the girlfriend (a role that could have been played by anyone). Mila had two big hits recently with Oz: The Great and Powerful (in which she was terrible) and Ted (in which her role could have been played by anyone). These are all ways to make a lot of money but is this any way to sustain an A list career? They both really ought to be looking for the next Black Swan and not the next franchise which doesn't really need them. Do you agree?

10 Julia Roberts $11 
Her instant hit-maker days are behind her but she still commands a hefty paycheck.



Falling off the list: Kristen Wiig, Cameron Diaz, Meryl Streep and Sarah Jessica Parker were all on the list last year

WHO DO YOU THINK WILL BE ON THE LIST SOON? Are you happy that Jennifer, Emma, and Mila have all recently ascended?

Article originally appeared on The Film Experience (
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