Index | Picture | Dir | Actress | Supp Actress | Supp Actor | Foreign | Screenplays | Visual | Aural | Animation
85th Oscars. Oscar Race for the Films of 2012
Predictions for entertainment / discussion purposes only.
WHO WON: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
NATHANIEL'S VOTE: Tommy Lee Jones for Lincoln (no contest at all)
READER'S CHOICE: TFE Readers agreed with your host that Tommy Lee Jones was most deserving with 31% of the ballots; BFCA Winner Philip Seymour Hoffman took 27% of your votes for second place; now two-time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz was in third place with 21% of your votes; Robert DeNiro scored 16% and way behind with 3% was Alan Arkin for Argo.
statistics cited involve acting & feature films only |
Alan Arkin
4 noms | 1 win Argo |
Robert DeNiro |
Philip Seymour Hoffman |
Tommy Lee Jones 4 noms | 1 win Lincoln |
Christoph Waltz 2 noms | 2 wins Django Unchained |
tba |
tba |
tba | tba | WINNER |
TRIVIA. yes, it's true. This is the only acting lineup ever at the Oscars where every single nominee has previously won the prize. It's Oscar number 2 (or 3) for one of them Snubbed? Those five men were all strong in precursors but if you're speaking artistically it's bonafide horrifying to cite the list of electric performances that weren't even considered since this field of Oscar winners all locked up early (but for Waltz, a late category fraud arrival). But Javier Bardem (Skyfall), Leo DiCaprio (Django) and Matthew McConaughey all had infrequent mentions during the season and all looked at least semi-plausible.