September Screening Log
01-04 Spent the weekend finishing up DEXTER Season Five on DVD. Very strong season overall. I keep thinking this show should wrap up given how repetitive it HAS TO BE given its concept. But I will say this for the team: they're definitely finding many backroads to journey on to prevent it from being as monotonous as the concept suggests it could be. Dexter's characterization in general is really a strong longform arc... what television is essentially made for.
05-06 True Blood penultimate Season 4 episode "Soul of Fire" and Martin Scorsese's PUBLIC SPEAKING, a documentary on the super quotable writer who doesn't write Fran Leibowitz. Totally worth watching. Ended the night with the Norwegian faux documentary TROLL HUNTER which was fun but my god my Norwegian is rusty. I had to read subtitles the whole time. [sniffle]
07 Melancholia ... still mulling it over. But von Trier "gets" actress personae in a way too few filmmakers do; he uses Dunst's Dunstness superbly. And, yes, she's wonderful in it, too.
08-23 September has been weirdly anti-movie... I think because I vacationed and also got sick and also it's just a transition period from summer season to fall. In this time frame I did see The Loneliest Planet (very good) and Dangerous Method (disappointing but interesting) and I saw Weekend again before interviewing the director.
24 MONEYBALL which really surprised me [REVIEW] but then i've always been kind of a sucker for Brad Pitt. He's not underrated as a celebrity of course but as a film star, way underappreciated. So many fine characters created over the years. Also Close Encounters of the Third Kind for some reason.
25-28 Lots of TV. Weird that Glee swung so far back to Broadway music this year, huh? It's all Broadway all the time. Which is fine by me but I'm assuming that many of its mainstream fans are missing its top ten radio feeling. Feeling weirdly disconnected to the world this week. Also took in CARNAGE (review) and ABDUCTION (review) and A SEPARATION from Iran which is both an Oscar submission and a big ol' "wow".
29-30 MISS BALA, 50/50 (reviewed at Towleroad)