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And the Link Goes To...

Mashable "12 Ways June Squibb is the New Jennifer Lawrence"
Kenneth in the (212) Indiewire article on The Normal Heart appears to be outing Taylor Kitsch. Typo? Weird punctuation? Odd sentence structure?
Yahoo Movies premieres the Paddington teaser. But don't get too excited Nicole Kidman is nowhere to be seen
/Film The Avengers Age of Ultron scrambling to rethink shooting schedule. They start shooting next month when Scarlett Johansson will totally be showing (4 months pregnant at the moment)

MNPP do dump or marry: two Hemsworths, one Ben
Dark Horizons Hugh Jackman planning to hang up the Wolverine claws soon. YES! I 100% co-sign everything my friend JA says about this one on his blog:

Honestly at seven films down I'm kind of ready for Jackman to do something else, too. As long as he keeps taking his clothes off, of course! But the bulging vein Wolverine look has gotten to be too much. Smaller and sleeker but still naked - that's what he should do.

Oscar Hangover
Self Styled Siren a must read on Kim Novak's industry history and her Oscar appearance
LA Times a Memo to Hollywood on Lupita Nyong'o's future. (Her slate is pretty much free now -- Who's going to sign her to what?)
MNPP is this the best picture from the Oscar after parties? The expressions!
The Wire "We All Have To Get On The Same Page Of What Oscars Year This Is" I'm so happy Joe Reid has joined me on this lonely battlefield  
Variety 5 brands that deserve an Oscar for marketing. Arby's certainly made a brilliant move on Oscar day

Today's Watch...

Idina Menzel remembering to have fun with the third defining song of her career on Jimmy Kimmel. (If you haven't been paying attention -- her two other huge cultural moments were "Defying Gravity" in Wicked and Maureen in general in Rent & "Take Me or Leave Me") 

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Reader Comments (14)

I love that Idina had sweet redemption with her performance on Fallon!

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Great list of links today.

Do Chris, Dump the young one, Marry Ben.

Jackman needs to start aging gracefully (Prisoners was a perfect vehicle and I liked him in that). I liked Wolverine as a character when he debuted but I'm glad to hear its coming to an end.

I felt for Kim Novak. Not because of how she looked, I expected that, but because I felt she was having trouble following the prompter. I would rather they had given her a moment in the camera from the audience, as Jodie Foster did for Olivia de Haviland at Cannes a few years ago. OH stood, the audience applauded and the cameras stayed on her for a respectable amount of time (like 30 seconds or so, not the quick flash Liza and sibs got). Liza should have been on stage to present. I would rather regret not getting to hear someone speak than regret that they did.

Fallon, Menzel and The Roots were terrific.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

in all the Novak "commentary" no one seems to remember that it was only a couple of years ago that she was publicly campaigning against the Artist for appropriation of the Vertigo score.
( http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/movies/2012/01/kim-novak-the-artist.html )
Given Oscar's famous desire for avoidance of bad publicity, I am surprised that she was asked to present at all...

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermatt

matt - i was surprised at that myself. but not totally surprised. squeaky wheels get the grease. i've noticed on the internet a lot of the writers that people claim to hate are very well read by the people who are always hating on them. sometimes making a stink helps your career.

March 4, 2014 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

too true. by the way nat - good job on the season past.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermatt

The Indiewire piece on "The Normal Heart" is probably just bad sentence structure, unless Julia Roberts is really a gay man. Damn it for getting my hopes up about Corey Stoll.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRaul

I think The Wire piece looks like a bad cut and paste of a press release where no one proofed before sending. It always asks, "Do you want to delete?" but never "Are you really ready to post?"

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

Seeing Kim Novak like that made me sad more than anything else, and nasty jokes can be an outlet for sadness, as well (I know it often is for me).

And it's not (as some people claim) misogyny that a torrent of ridicule has been poored out on her but not on Sidney Poitier, whose frailty was rather touching; it was simply the fact that she looked so bizarre and unnatural, whereas Poitier simply appeared like we're used to from an octogenarian

And yes, we as a society (and we as the internet) can and will embrace an octogenarian woman who will not be afraid to look her age. Heck, the first thing you link to in this posting is a celebration of 84 year old June Squibb! Also, see last years Oscar nomination for Emmanuelle Riva, this year's nomination for Judi Dench, and audiences' never-ending love affair with Maggie Smith and (nonagenarian) Betty White.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMrW

I sincerely hope that June Squibb is not the next Jennifer Lawrence. One is more than enough.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Hey, I just found this:

It's a widget where you can "Travoltify" your name! It's awesome!

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBensunce

Aw, Idina, Jimmy and The Roots! That was fantastic, wonderful reworking. Sweet redemption! Big smile on my face.

I hope whoever is Lupita's manager or agent is working their asses off right about now. I'm sure McQueen would love to work with her again too. Plus she speaks fluent Spanish! I don't wanna say there's no excuse but she's got too much working for her right now. Tyler Perry, don't even think about it, gurl.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMark The First

I hope Lupita does a better job with her Oscar win than Halle Berry - just say no to any Cat Woman movies! And gives this talented young lady a fun glamorous part not more whipping and degradation please!

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJaragon

There's a widget that lets you Travoltify your name... it's awesome!


March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBensunce

Idina's performance on Fallon was great. It's the first time he's done it on "The Tonight Show", but he did the same thing with Mariah Carey and "All I Want for Christmas is You" when he was on "Late Night". It was just as adorable and impressive.

I'm in love with a dude who looks just like Chris Hemsworth. I wish I was kidding. I couldn't even enjoy "Cabin in the Woods" and when he presented at the Oscars I started swearing and most people at my party had no idea what was wrong with me. So of course, I would do, marry AND kill, and Liam and Ben can just go home.

March 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJakey
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