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Curio: Bill, Bill Everywhere

Alexa here. It's hard to avoid the explosion of Bill Murray art lately.  First there was September's show at The R&R Gallery in Los Angeles devoted to Bill Murray tribute art. And now Gallery1988's show Please Post Bills is getting national coverage from the likes of EW and the HuffPo crowd.  And neither even begins to cover the endless Steve Zizzou creations out there. Bill's mystique only seems to grow with help from those urban legends and his own cultivating (by firing his agent and bartending randomly), and these shows are a celebration of that mythology.

The R&R show has an online gallery up for viewing here, with some of the work available for purchase at its storePlease Post Bills runs through the 26th, and you can view and purchase works from the show here. What follows are some of my favorites from both.

Party With Bill, pencil and watercolor by Cody Comrie

A Collection of Curiosities, screenprint by Jessica Deahl Click for more, including Bill as Grimm and Arthur Denton...

Consider Yourself Very, Very Lucky, mixed media on panel by Nil Ultra

William James Murray, screenprint by DKNG

Yeah, I'm Bill Murray, acrylic on maple by Jesse Riggle

Crying on the Inside by Paul Palcko


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