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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

With the official fully costumed first release from Sony we know that they're calling the Spider-Man reboot The Amazing Spider-Man (2012).

I love how Spider-Man is always so scrunched up or compressed in photos and drawings when he isn't all stretched out swinging on webs. He only has two physical modes and one of them is the one wherein he seems to be giving himself claustrophobia.

That's a neat photo but I've been totally giggling at the paparazzi shots of the filming. Fight scenes always look so ridiculous in still photos before special efffects and sound effects and score are added. Plus Spider-Man looks less amazing and more, uh, "Friendly" in these photos if you know what I mean.

[set photos from Socialite Life.]

Are you beginning to change your tune on this one with the neat texture and worn details of the costume and the terrific cast or do you think there's still no point?

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Reader Comments (10)

Worst Title Ever???

Like the cast though.

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBroooooke

Oh, so that's why they're re-booting it. At last, a gay Spiderman. Is Emma Stone going to be his cover like in Easy A? :p

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Not at all worst title ever. It's a callback to the days of yore with its comic books and TV show when he was called... The Amazing Spider-Man. So I like it.

I still think there's no point, but the cast is aces and I like the director. So I'll be there opening weekend.

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

If you're a fan of the comic, it really is a great title.

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

Um. Nice butt, Andrew (or whatever stuntman is in that suit).

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRax

Personally? If they add the jokes back in. The cast is Andrew Garfield (made his way through the twisty dramedy of The Social Network), Emma Stone (comic firebrand of Easy A and Superbad), Rhys Ifans (mostly known for comedy) and Denis Leary. Yes, that Denis Leary. If cast = tone, than tone = likely comic. Two (Dunst and Franco) of the seven person cast of the original Spider-Man had had major comedy/dramedy roles. Only one (Franco) was best known for it, and it was a dramedy. The original movie was blatantly stacked toward drama. This one? Stacked more toward comedy. Factor in Marc Webb and...baby we may actually have a funny Spidey. (As I have said multiple times: It's not excessive if they change the tone. It'll have been 8 years since the last one people said was even good (My term for the first two original movies: Monstrosities. Something with a mediocre reception even by the standards critics were holding the Spidey series to? Likely unwatchable.)) It was a decade between Forever (which was good) to Begins (a deserved reboot, but I personally feel it's not as good as either 1. The Two Burton Batmen (B+ and A- in order) or 2. It's followup (A).) I think they waited a suitable amount of time. The suitable waiting period is not, "How long since the last one" but "How long since the last GOOD one?" So, as I said: 8 years since 2 and an eye toward a different tone? Go ahead.

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Volvagia --you so crazy. Spider-Man 2 is not a monstrosity it's the best of all supehero films. It's one of the only superhero films that gets the colorful joy and derring do of comics right and it's focused enough to not feel muddy (one villain? YES)

Rax -- that is Andrew Garfield in the suit. or so say all the blogs :)

February 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

People are crazy and I have always felt that it's not nearly as good as critics said. Batman as the stoic, unspeaking battler? Okay. Spider-Man remaining silent in battle? What? Really!? Sorry, but this is part of why superhero film is homogenous: These stoic, emotionless and, often, humourless prigs that you can't really connect to. Derring-do? Never got that. What I got was piles of angst, a moslty silent Spider-Man (you would never call this guy Spidey and I'd say I liked it up until the first fight after catching Ben's killer) and an irresponsible and overly secretive Peter Parker. Hopefully this movie fixes those issues. If not, then I can chalk up the Spectacular Spider-Man TV show as the best adaptation yet.

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

LOVE the title! Hope this is huge for Andrew Garfield (who should be an Oscar nominee for "The Social Network," but that's a whole 'nother story).

February 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDT

The title rocks. Is it pointless? Quite possibly, but with so many reliably talented names involved I can't help but be excited for it.

The criticisms of the set photos always struck me as kind of silly considering, as you mentioned, this is just the filming. It's going to be in post-production for like, a year, so clearly its going to look as glossy as the first official still released where Andrew is holding a backpack and wearing the suit.

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIbbs
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