This is Too Rich...

And by too rich, I mean frugal.
Thanks to Guy Lodge for alerting us via Twitter. It seems that porn producers UKNakedMen may have repurposed The King's Speech's memorable sets for some man-on-man action. And not the kind involving speech therapy though, come to think of it, Colin Firth was seen gagging on balls in the film. (Sorry!)
Mildly NSFW sample / link after the jump
Though Art Direction nominee Eve Stewart had a great sense of humor when we spoke, I'm not sure she'd approve. Queer Click's hilariously raunchy writeup [Definitely Not Safe For Work] implies in its title that the porn shoot preceded The King's Speech production but I highly doubt that given the actual work to produce the lovely sets.
Pity that they didn't just do a straight up spoof with these sets handy. Pornos infamously rework famous movie titles all the time, but they don't usually manage such doppelganger authenticity. Though I suppose if some enterprising pornographers wanted to trek to Moab, Utah they could come up with their very own 127 ______ right quick. And it'd have to be right quick so as to prevent jail time.
more words on this topic here.

Reader Comments (16)
Yeah, it was funny.
According to the comments, the photoshoot took place long before the film shooting did.
I want Franco and Hathaway to make fun of the situation at the Oscars and Harvey to make a new version of the "The King's Speech is awesome" video.
like: The locations carried such moving memories :p
i'm voting kurt rogers as best supporting actor
I wish, more than anything, that they'd done a parody.
Just announced: According to a family friend, the Queen was very moved by the photoshoot.
Yeah, I'm with James T. I've seen several sites confirm that the photo shoot took place several years before the movie even went into production. So I'm not quite sure what happened there.
This comes to tell you how underrated Art direction is in porn..., thank God they don't have to worry too much about Costume Design, though.
Now I'll doubly shake my head in shame if(/when) TKS wins for Art Direction.
So... if the photoshoot took place years ago, doesn't it mean that they didn't make the sets for the movie?
James T -- i literally laughed out loud. AND I NEEDED TO. So thank you. The Queen. But I think you meant "the queens were very moved by the photoshoot" ;)
I hope they get Alexandre Desplat to score that porn -- classy.
I'm here to make you happy :)
(Assuming the article isn't the context of the convo. lol)
The King's Reach Around.
Where has this been this whole awards season?! Seriously, TKS could've pulled a Brokeback Mountain.
The King's Peach?
Maybe Rush actually was hired to train the king to suppress the gag reflect ?
Sorry, someone had to do it. :)
y'all are cracking me up. awesome comment thread :)