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Podcast: Return Engagements, 2010 Memories

It's part 2 of the last pre-Oscar podcast. Nick, Nathaniel, Katey and Joe complete their role swap conversation. Other features include.

  • "Range" does Jesse Eisenberg have it?
  • Melissa Leo's filmography
  • Sofia Coppola, John Cameron Mitchell, Nicole Holofcener
  • Matt Reeves and other directors to watch
  • What directors learn from success or failure
  • Mark Harris' GQ piece on Inception's box office
  • Tilda & Luca
  • Christian Bale and Oscar nominees in superhero films
  • Statistics about 2nd nominations
  • When does Amy Adams become "overdue"?

Join in the conversations in the comments. Which young directors will one day be occupying the Aronofsky/Fincher spots of "finally breaking through" with Oscar? Which of this year's newbies will come back for second nominations?


Podcast: 2010 Memories, Return Engagements

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Reader Comments (30)

We all know Eisenberg is going to win his Oscar in the inevitable biopic about Woody Allen's love life.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike F.

Haha. Agreed.
I actually think If Winter's Bone was about a guy, Eisenberg could've pulled it off.

I love Emma Stone!! But also I think this was Andrew Garfield's and Mila Kunis's coming out year.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNikhat

Can I confess something, Nathaniel? This is the first time I've listened to one of your podcasts... I was listening to the person introducing the podcast...

I sat there thinking... Who's this? When is Nathaniel gonna start talking?

Then the music came in...

Then you said: 'And I am Nathaniel Rogers from the Film Experience..."

OMG!!!! "Is this Nathaniel's voice?" - I thought to myself...

You sound NOTHING like I imagined. NOTHING!

Now I suddenly feel very odd. Like a kid who caught his parents having sex (I may need counselling).

I'll finish the podcast(s) and will comment...

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnthony Mai

Amy Adams will become overdue when she decides to whine about it as much as Kate Winslet did. Also, when she has two baity roles on the table and basically says, "I don't care which of these you honor me for, or even in which category (though I'd prefer both!), just as long as you FINALLY give me one."

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHayden W

It's not just Eisenberg's age, its that he looks 20 instead of 27. Give him ten years to age, then maybe he'll suprise us with playing a gangster.

James Franco will be the first person to win in every category! Wahaha!

Four noms = winner Remember Bening!

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlily

Fun podcast as always!

I love the off-Oscar section. I don't even know what The Crazies is but maybe it's going on my Netflix queue.

OK -- one topic no one mentioned: Independent Spirit Awards. Any thoughts? Or are they just off the radar entirely?

[PS: No disrespect, but why is Nick's voice twice as loud as everyone else's? Sound mixing!]

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSan FranCinema

Amy Adams isn't overdue. She's arguably "over-nominated". I don't look at her or her nominated performances, and think this chick is destined to go down as an all-time great. She's a fine actress, but she' s essentially one of those lucky souls that the Academy just randomly latch on to, and toss nominations to at will, while considerably greater actresses go without, despite stronger bodies of work and performances. Jeremy Renner feels like he's about to become her male equivalent. He's also a fine actor, but 2 nominations in as many years....when legendary performers like Donald Sutherland and Gary Oldman could never even sniff a nomination. When Guy Pierce can't even get nominated....doesn't feel right. And you know they aren't going to stop nominating Renner, just like they won't stop nodding Adams. It just feels a bit unfair that some okay actors barely have to raise a sweat to get nominated, while others who have a much longer history of great work, can barely get arrested by the Academy.

Same for Adams. She's on 3 nominations already....she's good, but she's not that good. She takes on baity roles in films that go over well with critics, but she's a good, not a great actress. Nothing she's done so far, couldn't be handled as well or better by another actress. A younger Julia Roberts could have played Adams role in The Fighter just as well (probably better), but I'd hope she wouldn't be nominated for it. Jennifer Jason Leigh has zero nods, yet cutie-pie Adams has three!?! I'm glad Nicole Kidman bagged her third nod this year, because I'd consider it the height of ridiculousness for Amy Adams to have more Oscar nods than her.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterchan

I think Franco is definitely going for the EGOT. Proof is his future role on Broadway with Kidman.

Jacki Weaver said about her offered roles that its going to be great to play Americans. American villains?

Deep down I hate "body of work" wins. But I think that may be inevitable for Amy Adams because she's gotten so many noms so fast. I always forget because I didn't become a fan until months after she lost for Doubt.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCity_Of_Lights

WOW, David Sutherland and Gary Oldman were never nominated.....The Academy does have weird taste sometimes......

I think the academy goes through phases in which it becomes sort of obsessed with someone, nominate them left and right whether deservingly or not, they become their pet and later on are forgotten. It has happened many times. Momentum, exposure, good roles, publicity....then they get a new shinier toy, a new trend comes on, they develop a new crush and the previous one is forgotten.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

Anthony -- oh dear. everyone hates hearing their own voice. sorry to disturb you.

City -- i bet your right. EGOT. although hearing him sing (which i included on the podcast) i think the Grammy may be out of reach ;)

Mike -- funny

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel Rogers

I don't think Amy Adams or anyone who has only been famous for 5 years can really be considered 'overdue.'

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWill

I don't know about the Grammy being a stretch for Franco. You can't see him writing a bizarre book, recording the audio version, and winning for Spoken Work or Comedy Album?

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOtherRobert

Once again, thanks to all the participants!

Personally, I wouldn't want Tilda to work with Luca unless they become faster. I mean, I Am Love took them a million years and I didn't even enjoy it that much. She could have been in two other movies instead. At least she doesn't intend to work only with him. Duh :p

I had a little problem with the podcast. Nathaniel was a bit too quite and Nick too loud. I had to adjust the volume each time because I either didn't hear what Nathaniel was saying or the whole building was listeing to what Nick was saying. Not that they shouldn't be grateful but they were probably sleeping :p

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Hmm going to listen to this now.

Nathaniel, have you seen this: guess it's not Tom Hanks presenting Best Picture. I'm currenty betting ou Douglas like you: http://www.deadline.com/2011/02/oscar-spoilers-hell-present-first-oscar/

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJorge Rodrigues

Haven't listened to the podcast yet, but...has anyone been considered "overdue" when they're perpetually nominated for supporting roles? In this regard, the comparisons to Winslet, Kidman, etc. above are inapt. Adams has only played the lead in a few films, and only Enchanted got much positive notice. (As I understand it, the less said about Leap Year and Moonlight Serenade, the better.)

Apparently she's been cast as the lead in the long-delayed Janis Joplin biopic. If she gets nominated for this (indeed, if this is the version that actually makes it to the screen—remember when Goldie Hawn and Madonna were supposed to be the leads in Chicago?), and doesn't win, maybe then we'll start talking about "overdue."

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ.P.

James T -- we'll have to work some more on our headsets. I really don't know what the problem is. with the vocals. sorry for the bad sound mix. Usually i try to adjust things manually after the fact but that takes a really long time and time was short.

J.P. and Others --. I agree that Adams is not overdue. But what i was pointing out and what we were discussing is i think a very big likeliihood that people are going to start describing her that way, don't you think?

Other Robert -- gooid point.

February 24, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

When was Gary Oldman ever close to a nomination? Sid and Nancy? True Romance? Dracula?

Amy's Fighter perf really proves her range...I think we'll see her in a variety of leading roles now...it would be nice to see her play a foreigner and not an American...so many of her contemporaries, like Winslet and Kidman, have international flair and appeal.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSoSueMe

i don't know, amy adams' attitude throughout the awards season has been my favorite. she's been vacillating between vaguely bored (actress roundtable) to nonchalantly happy (oscar luncheon) and seems grateful enough to bask in her costars' praise as much as her own. i loved that her "oscar nom reaction" included a reference to bale, not just herself. if she keeps losing, then she'll probably feel the inevitable strain, but it feels like this is not the top priority in her life right now, which i love her for. i hope she keeps being awesome and never pulls a winslet.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstella

"When was Gary Oldman ever close to a nomination?"

For The Contender. Frankly, I think he deserved a nomination for that movie more than Jeff Bridges did.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ.P.

I 'm going to confess that I am not a big fan of those random audio clips that keep interrupting the normal conversation.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdam S.

Swinton and Guadagnino will work together again, what we know so far is the film will be in the style of Powell & Pressburger, filmed in England and Wales with suspense and possibly murder elements. But, of course like I Am Love i'm guessing they are in a loong gestational period with it. So we're kinda deprived! But Guadagnino is set to direct a film called Corsica '72, possibly with Gemma Arterton, about a feud between friends, its a mafia moviie.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjohn

I don't know if Adams is overdue (shouldn't there be a previous due state before?), but I guess a fourth nomination seems to go really further away from the more "common" third nomination and somehow an actor/actress with four nominations has a lot of them, but one with 3 as it is more frequent? looks less due?

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy


NICK: This is more related to Part 1 of the podcast when you and Joe where discussing old Oscar ceremonies, in particular the less refined reactions of the ‘losers’ and their peers. Now Nick, you mentioned in your Best Actress Project that the winning lady should always acknowledge her fellow nominees. YouTube has allowed me to witness Jodie Foster’s Globe and multiple Oscar wins. I was shocked by her failure to ever once mention the other women in her category (if u watch her ACCUSED speech at the Globes—where she tied with Weaver, the latter immediately cites that “this really a five way tie” after Foster failed to do so) as well as a potent air of pretentious smugness that seems to always follow her up on stage. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this.

KATEY: So true about the December box office triumphs (BLACK SWAN’s performance still blows me away) although I’m dubious about TRUE GRIT given it had such a generous PG-13 rating. I can’t help but think that had it been stamped with an R it would have done similar numbers as 3:10 TO YUMA (50 million). Eitherway, I’m pumped for what the Coen’s dish out next.

JOE: The Javier Bardem in Mark Ruffalo’s KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT role is such a delicious prospect. And I’m so with you on THE CRAZIES---well put about the “horror beats” especially when taking into consideration is was remake and managed such compelling characterizations.

NATHANIEL: Major LOL on Barbie haunting Ken in a revisionist TS3 helmed by Nolan. ;) I must say I still love Leo's “Dead Wives Club” poster. Oh and THE RUNAWAYS was a delicious, post-Film Bitch award rental experience.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

You guys, Franco is directing movies now ... And you know how much the Academy loves actor/directors.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWill

I have a hard time seeing Hailee Steinfeld getting nominated again ... But I don't mean that as a negative. For one, I think a role in something as good as a Coens Brother movie doesn't come around too often. Second, she seems like a normal 14 year old girl who got really lucky. I see her having a sort of Anna Paquin career. Going from Oscar glory to just making some fun, age appropriate movies (Fly Away Home, etc.)

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWill

Loved the podcast, Nathaniel! Yet again, as always, I wished I was able to hang around with all of y'all in real life. That's the sign of a good podcast to me.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn

i still can't decide who's the best of their generation; Gosling, Gyllenhaal or Franco? and i guess now i have to add Eisenberg (who WILL be hard to cast in lead roles) into the mix

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbackpass

i'm totally on the Emma Stone train but i just don't want to see her end up like Scarlet Johansson-- and she's already headed in that direction by signing on to SPIDER-MAN.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergreg pross

"Jacki Weaver's in Aquaman" is the single best line from an Oscar podcast this year. I listen to all of them on my long bus rides and I look forward to The Film Experience one the most...did not disappoint.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjtagliere

I really do love these podcasts. If this is a replacement for the Symposium, I'm totally down.

February 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan
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