First and Last, Walk Away

on the first and last images from motion pictures. I should note here that for future reference "first" shot always refers to the first image with something in it. I've jettisoned way too many movies because they start with a shot of an empty blue sky. Doing this series I've realized that a great number of movies start with a blank blue screen (sky) and then pan down to a building, house, yard, person or skyline or some such, as is the case here.
A great number of movies end with shots of people walking down streets, too. So here's another clue in the first and last lines of dialogue:
first: How about I dry you off?
last: by the time I count to fifty. One...
Can you guess the movie?
The answer is after the jump.
Yes, congrats to James T... the only man smart enough to even guess. Well done, it is indeed Nine and a Half Weeks (1986).

Reader Comments (2)
9 1/2 weeks.
Nate have you seen this:
Sarah Lane is not happy and is speaking against Fox. She is claiming that Fox told her to "disapear" and keep her mouth shut up until the Oscars and that the studio and its PR people were trying to create the illusion that Portman became a prima ballerina in a year, and therefore told her to hide and delete her from those special effects videos!