Expecto Linkonus

JK Rowling hugs her child stars, all grown up.Since some of you Potterheads (Potterphiles?) haven't been too pleased with my flippancy about the world's most beloved film series I thought I should point out these neat morphs over at MSNBC which allow you to watch Harry, Hermione and Ron age up whilst Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint contemplate their goodbyes in voiceover.
It even got to me and I am no fan of the series. Because really... when something gets as huge as Harry Potter does it ends up being the culture and this is ten years of all of our lives that we're now saying goodbye to. We're all ten years older... *gulp*. It's just some of us are more eager to move on than others ;) MSNBC Movies is naturally devoting a lot of attention to this moment when "It All Ends."
OLDBOY. But why remake it?Links
Twitch just when we were beginning to wonder if Spike Lee would ever make a movie again he signs on for two. He'll direct the remake of Oldboy but first he'll recreate his character "Mookie" for his new joint Red Hook Summer. So little Spike and then a lot of it. Who knew?
Grantland on "The 'Poor Jen' Problem". Molly Lambert is like my new favorite essayist this month.
IndieWire in 'this is very cool' news AMPAS has announced a partnership with the Alama Drafthouse to preserve it's always awesome retrospective film posters.
Movie|Line wishes for Helena Bonham Carter to never stop with the personal uninhibited awesomeness. Like admitting she peed herself while shooting Harry Potter.
IGN the DVD Blu Ray release of Thor will include a sneak peak at The Avengers. This should surprise virtually no one.
Let's end with a "5 Second Film" starring Juliette Lewis.
p.s. that's exactly what I scream when I see Juliette Lewis only I run *towards* her. In case you missed my interview with her last fall -- she was awesome -- that was here.

Reader Comments (10)
I don't know, that Jennifer Aniston essay doesn't ring entirely true to me. This is kind of getting into the actor's personal lives, which I hate, but hey, that story opened the door.
People hate Jennifer Aniston because she's pathetic/repressed? I only have anecdotal evidence, of course, but most of the people I know seems to be entirely sympathetic toward her, even if they don't like her movies. Yes, the "Poor Jen" part is totally on point for these people, but it's as a gesture of sympathy for someone whom they believe has genuinely been wronged, not shaking their heads at her patheticness.
On the flip side, does anyone know a person who practically starts to foam at the mouth at the mention of Angelina Jolie's name? I know several of them, all of whom seem to feel about her the way that most people feel about serial killers. Calling her a bitch, cheating whore, etc. Really horrible stuff.
I don't know, maybe I'm not understanding that essay. But I think the writer is maybe overstating the public's fondness for pointing and laughing at Jennifer Aniston.
Of course, none of what that essay said or what I said addresses the bigger issue. Namely, why in the world does anyone care so strongly about who Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie/whoever is dating, to the point where it conjures up a reaction that makes me feel like I need to back away slowly.
That spider is Hagrid's. Don't hurt her!!
I have an emptional response too about the end of the Potter era. I'm a big fan of the books and it's going to be something to watch the final movie. I was in highschool when I read a Potter book for the first time and saw a Potter movie for the first time and now highschool seems lightyears ago!
How should I feel about the fact that James Bond will outlive me? :p
Oh and I want to ask of Miss Rowling to give me the money she's gonna get from the last movie's profits. You don't need anymore Jo! Do it for you! You're gonna feel soo good ;)
That Juliette Lewis movie is amazing and I'm stealing it for my own blog.
I LOL-ed so hard I had a mild heart attack :D
@ OH MY GOD Juliette Lewis @
james t - you delight me but if rowling is giving away her money she should try and buy my love since it's hard to get. Just, say, one million? and i vow to only ever speak glowingly of Harry Potter again ;)
yavor/glenn -isn't she the best?
Liz -- your second post is so spot on. it's really true. People care more about this than actual injustices crime and corruption --even against them! -- that are happening all around them. Note the complete apathy people have towards politicians and policies which directly affect them and the complete mania about their stories! (it used to be soaps but now it's just celebrity in general and reality tv.)
I'm in complete agreement with Liz N. on all points (I don't know anybody who considers her "pathetic" or a "loser" - compared to whom, someone on disability? In T-19 housing? A homeless ex-Vietnam or ex-Gulf War vet with PTSD? she's got loads of money, has been on one of TV's most famous and popular sitcoms ever, appears in movies and on magazine covers, etc etc.) I think the author may be speaking for her own tribe of writers/reporters, etc?
I found an essay by Andy Greenwald (on the same site) about the rise and fall and rise (as a character actor) of Colin Farrel more interesting:
And btw, doesn't Molly's essay exist only because Aniston's film "Horrible Bosses" is also out?
I think it's interesting that Jennifer Aniston always becomes the subject of these meta-assessments of that love triangle. She's always been classy and likeable. And truthfully, she was going to cash in on the rom com circuit whether she got divorced or not. Maybe she and Pitt would've even done a film together.
Who walked away from this situation smelling like a rose is Angelna Jolie. She met Brad Pitt as a trashy action star whose initial critical success looked like a fluke, whose films underperformed and who racked up eight Razzie nominations in four years. She became the star of a tabloid narrative and is suddenly our generation's Elizabeth Taylor.
It feels like our desperation for true movie stars has promoted someone as mediocre as Angelina Jolie to that level of stardom. If that's the best Hollywood can do, maybe we should just give up.
I think her calling is playing naughty type D character as Molly Lambert suggested. She is less impressive when she plays classy type A. I think her post-divorce VF interview had cemented Poor Girl Jen thing. She gained huge sympathy by showing tears but she lacked something to be a true movie star. Compare her with Sandra Bullock. By showing brave face and wishing happiness for her ex, Bullock proved her inner strength and bigness. She now plays Ripley-type astronaut in The Gravity that Angelina Jolie turned down.