Ashton's iBIO

(pic via) JA from MNPP here - say what you will on the acting abilities of Ashton Kutcher (every zinger under the sun's probably been tossed that way already) but I actually think he was great casting at least looks-wise for a young Steve Jobs in the upcoming bio-pic of the Apple founder, which is apparently going by the name jOBS (ugh). Of course, as has been discussed time and again here at The Film Experience, getting the look is only part of the battle when it comes to biographical mimickry, and even on that front a non-tech-geek like me can close my eyes and picture the real Steve Jobs summoning up god-like beturtlenecked presence as he unveiled his latest wünder-tech. So... an uphill battle for the former plaything o' Demi, no? But the socks are perfect!

Reader Comments (8)
Wow! He looks like Ashton Kutcher!
"I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder."
Demi can play Jobs' mama.
Since I can't/won't reply on Twitter, I'd like to submit Gina Carano and Fassbender for the "action" acting categories for the BFCA. Yes, Carano can't actually act, but since Haywire is an action film, her action prowess actually means more (to me at least). And that fight scene was the best of the year.
Oh, and hilariously, J. Hoberman submitted Carano as his Best Actress choice in the first round of ballets at NYFCC.
This has bomb written all over it.
Matty: Agreed. J.K. Simmons might be interesting, especially if it calls for full blown Cave Johnson mode, but otherwise I'm perplexed by the cast and am much more interested in the "funnelled through keynote prep" approach Sorkin's taking.
LOL Liz N! Tangled was such a good movie.
This movie definitely has a stench coming off of it, and Ashton Kutcher is way, way too good-looking to remotely resemble Steve Jobs, no matter how many beards he grows.