The Pre Precursor Playbook

Just before the first wave of real precursors (NYFCC & NBR) the gang got together with conflicted feelings over a number of topics. Including but not limited to:
- Matthew McConaughey's selfsploitation
- Life of Pi's visual splendor and mundane framing device
- Silver Linings Playbook's odd Oscar trajectories
- A Q & A with Barbra Streisand for The Guilt Trip
- Mixed podcast response to Anna Karenina
- Supporting Actor Locks and speculation
- Optimism and Pessimism in Punditry
- Supporting Actress longshots
Thank you once again to Nathaniel's frequent podcast guests: Katey (Cinema Blend), Nick (Nick's Flick Picks) and Joe ( You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen right here at the bottom of the post. But, as always, the podcast isn't complete without your feelings. Join in the discussion in the comments.

Reader Comments (20)
im in the love Karenina camp, just wow. I loved how this version was so sympathetic to Karenin and how that made Jude Law's performance so emotional and definitely best in show. He was warm, quiet and introspective and showed us the dull pull of duty and the unrelenting dogged pursuit of what's right.
I definitely feel like there's at least 1 or 2 Supporting Actress longshots that could edge their way in considering how drab and muddled the field is at the minute. I mean are Hathaway, Hunt and Field not essentially locks so far? Then lots of people are touting Smith, even though the performance itself was complete fluff, and Adams is losing steam fast along with overall chances for 'The Master'. Also really hoping there isn't a sudden burst of acclaim for Barks, but that doesn't look likely judging by 'Les Mis' reviews so far. If the support for 'Django' keeps growing maybe Washington could sneak in as a last minute contender, and if Dowd keeps garnering critics groups awards then she could, as was said in the podcast, become the sort of Jacki Weaver indie player. And who knows - if support for 'Flight' takes us by surprise Kelly Reilly could ride on the film's coattails. Obviously though we all know Kidman is deserving of the win :D
p.s. Really anticipating your Kidman interview piece Nathaniel!
I am hoping against hope that Nicole is nommed for BSA. I would also love to see Jacki Weaver, but I fear she doesn't have THE moment that this category often needs. I would love to see Adams in the running, but for Trouble With the Curve, NOT The Master.
Kidman could show as Best Actress Nominee in a Comedy or Musical at the Globes.
About Django and Promised Land coming out so late, let's not blame them too much for poor release strategies. At the end of August, we were 2/3 done with the year and the only Best Picture possibilities were Moonrise Kingdom, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and Beasts of the Southern Wild, none of which seemed like front-running types. The distributors probably thought they'd waltz right into the race amidst films that, like War Horse last year, had been hyped all year but were ultimately disappointing.
And glad to hear the praise of Jude Law. He was superb. And don't forget Michael Fassbender from Prometheus!
Here come the reviews!!!! Les Misérables is, so far, 73% fresh at RT --
(11 reviews)
My commute home will now be 100% better!
Nick's comment in the beginning had me laughing my ass off.
I'll listen to the rest now
Also in the love Anna Karenina many unexpected performances and discoveries of new, exciting actors. Plus, it was just beautiful and innovative overall.
"He's not really white so he's kind of supporting"
I really loved the Nick/Joe description on Life of P, which is exactly how I took it. And yes, I can tell them apart. Joe's the one who hates Uggie.
no we all don't! ......BUT............. Kelly Reilly was great in Flight....
Nat: I just DJANGO UNCHAINED and I think Leo has a very good shot at a nomination and rising to frontrunner status. EVERYONE was talking about him after the screening.
I'm tired of saying this but: Great podcast, guys, again^18!
I'm also very confused with the Best Actress race. Are we getting closer to 1994 or to 2009?
Love the podcast, and I think it was a nice touch to have Katey on Autotune.
Two things to mention: Why do you think Bryan Cranston has a better part in Argo? This is a serious question because I literally don't remember him in it at all. I vaguely remember him running down a hall, but that might have been Chris Messina. Am I weirdly blocking out a big scene? Or is it the kind of a supporting where if you don't notice him, it means he's doing a good job.
Also, I'll stump for Silver Linings. It's entirely possible that I'm just a DOR fanboy, but I think all the things he does well, he does well in SLP. I'll give you that the characters seem kind of thrown together for no reason, and the age difference bothers me too, but I'm happy to see a romantic comedy that actually works for me. It feels like it's been 20 years since that happened. I wouldn't call it the best picture of the year, but I think it's a good movie. (And I'm also puzzled by the idea that Tiffany could be a best-actress-winning role, for what it's worth.)
And can I ask two questions to Nick?
I take that (what?) as a yes:
Are you a fan of Les Miz, the stage musical?
Why have you not seen Madonna's and Angelina's films from last year? Do you hate women filmmakers?
Seriously, wtf is TWC doing with Silver Linings Playbook? I live in a largish mid size market and it's nowhere to be found. A bunch of friends and family around here are interested in checking this out, but it's about to start being overshadowed by all the second half of December adult releases. How does a generic and terribly reviewed Gerard Butler/Jessica Biel rom com get a full on wide release while a buzzy and glowingly reviewed Bradley Cooper/Jennifer Lawrence one gets stuck in some mid level platform?! TWC has been throwing away money on national advertising that will be forgotten by the time many markets actually get the film. They continue to prove that while they're top notch at the Oscar game, TWC is an amateur distributor.
@JamesT: I thought I knew Les Mis the musical from that medley we sang in 7th grade chorus and from reading the abridged version of the novel when I was a wee thing. But it turns out I don't really know it. So, no opinion.
As you know, I have less than zero interest in actresses or in women filmmakers. By which I also mean, both of those movies had one-week theatrical releases in Chicago during one of my book deadlines, so I missed 'em. But at least for Jolie, I'm hoping to catch up eventually. Madonna and I just don't get along much anymore.