Twins: Isabella & Isotta Ingrid

We're celebrating twins while we're in Gemini
Did you know that Isabella Rossellini had a twin sister? They aren't identical but she does. The legendary screen goddess Ingrid Bergman had four children, the first Pia arrived with her first marriage to Peter Lindstrom. After her scandalous affair with Italian director Roberto Rossellini (which sank her career in the US for a good long while -- her third Oscar was seen, to some extent, as Hollywood's forgiveness) she moved to Italy, and had son Roberto Rossellini folllowed by daughters Isabella and Isotta Ingrid.
The Rossellini kids in 1959: Isabella, Roberto and Isotta Ingrid
Do you think Isotta Ingrid is as fascinated by animal sex* (Green Porno forever!) as her sister Isabella? Well, Isotta is in Academia, so... maybe.
a more recent picture of the twins and more after the jump.
That's all of Ingrid Bergman's daughters a few years ago pictured from left to right: Pia Lindström, Ingrid Rossellini PHD, and Isabella Rossellini OMG.
The Film Experience ♥s Isabella who may be the coolest actress this side of Tilda Swinton what with the David Lynch years, the willingness to perform animal sex rituals on television, the beer filled glass leg, the cameo in Madonna's Sex book and so so much more. Life becomes her.
- Now a warning.
- NOW a warning?!?

Reader Comments (6)
I think the second Oscar was the Hollywood forgiveness, right?
I was lucky enough to see her speak about her Green Porno series, and she was even more charming, intelligent, and fascinating in person. My favorite moment: when asked about what her favorite animal is, she answered, and I quote, "well I don't really have a favorite---well...maybe I do. The duck...has an amazing vagina." and she went on to explain how the duck's vagina was a miracle of evolution because it has secret passageways to protect from unwanted pregnancy and how "when I heard about that, I have to admit I was a little jealous."
It was the best TMI of all time. Love her.
Love Isabella, she looks ever more like her mother all the time, both great and classy women, and you can see the family resemblance with Isotta especially around the eyes. Less so with Pia, I remember her as a newscaster on the NY news years ago, although it's nice to see that they are friendly what with all the turmoil of their early lives. Just one question. What the hell is Pia wearing in that pic. It's god awful!
Cal Roth is correct, Oscar #2 was the big welcome home. She had been long forgiven by the time of her third.
Isabella Rossellini is wonderful in Abel Ferrara's "The funeral",cult in Argentina !!!!
In Stanley Tucci's "Big night" too...