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Moviefone looks back at the troubled release of Martin Scorsese's New York New York for its 35th anniversary
Awards Daily someday my prince will come... or not. On Brave and more in 2012
Serious Film gets into spoilers to revel in the whiteboard of terrors in Cabin in the Woods
Movie|Line Magic Mike already making Broadway transfer plans. Huh.
The Incredible Suit happy third birthday to this fun blog
Rope of Silicon applies Pixar storytelling rules to Brave to see where it went wrong... um. If you think it went wrong. It's not a perfect movie but I'm surprised by how much some people don't like it.
Vulture first look at Shirley Maclaine in Downton Abbey. Yes!
How Are You I'm Fine Thanks illustrates the Scooby Doo gaga at the beach. Great stuff.
GQ interviews Elisabeth Moss on Peggy's Journey in Season 5 of Mad Men... and Season 6
Empire spreads the rumor that three Avatar sequels will shoot back to back. I can think of better things for Sigourney Weaver to do with her time and I loved Avatar.
TMZ more old footage of Channing Tatum's stripper days
Reader Comments (7)
looking forward to seeing Maclaine's work in DA... specially because I could barely understand a couple of words from the sneak peek in that low-quality video lol
Is Sigourney Weaver confirmed for the Avatar sequels? Didn't her character die?
Word. I too am alarmed by the BRAVE hate. I think a lot of women are going to feel a little shortchanged, but I still found it fairly solid and affecting. And I can't remember the last mother-daughter toon I saw...
Tangled? Or do you mean positively?
Oh wait sorry, that's stepmom. Carry on.
That Ropes of Silicon piece is kind of awful. Haven't even seen the movie - just the idea of taking Coats' practical, positive, common sense story telling advice and twisting it into a stick with which to attack the film's alleged shortcomings seems really off base. Seems clear to me that Brevet doesn't really get the creative process, and he certainly doesn't understand that his brand of snide, reductive, reflexively negative complaining is exactly the kind of thinking Coats' "rules" are intended to neutralize.
Wow- I totally agree. I get that he didn't like the bears, but that was complete overkill. His entire piece was vitriolic, and I feel like all he managed to do was discredit himself.
I can understand why people are reacting so strongly to Brave as a good/bad Pixar film. Most people love Pixar- and if not at least one of their movies. We all have an idea of what Pixar is and what it means to us. All of a sudden, now that Pixar's films are not aligning with our perception of Pixar, some people are freaking out. Anyone who disliked the film and is reacting like that needs to take a step back and realize how unfair they're being.